April 30, 2008

A Busy April!

I've been living busily since the beginning of March, this keeps my friend wondering what kind of lifestyle I'm up to, those who don't catch up with me often will always ask:

"PM, why don't I see your pictures on your blog?"

I decided to do a little bit of revealing to clear off your doubts, to let you all know that I'm fine though daily routine still continues, but I begin to immune myself to it, and explore the excitement of the day.

Keeping myself busy is a way to lose weight naturally, this works on me I feel.

I made myself to the Samadian Idol's Final, knowing that Winney made it to the final round, I was there specially to support her and inject her with some confidence by seeing some familiar faces down stage. I hope you enjoyed the entire competition, every bit of it from friendship to the supportive crowd, criticism is a way to let you stand out from failures, you'll never get to satisfy everyone, =) but one thing here is, you never fail to satisfy your supportive audiences here, us!

"Winney, bravo and you won for your courage and effort, for always being the singing enthusiast!"

It was another pleasant day being reunited with old friends,they are always the best people to spend a day with.

Everyone of us gathered together before Karen left for her tertiary education to Inti Nilai. The usual lunch, chit-chatting and movie outing to all of us, but it feels greater seeing my close friends who I've not been up together for months.
Thank you Chew Lian,Karen,Catherine,Lester.

How I wished Susie was there to complete the bunch of us.
My sincere confidant, I miss our Sarawak trip!!

There were 2 birthday celebrations in April, with the presence of the 2 birthday girls-Pui Yan and Suk Teng, both are my primary buddies. To make it special, MK and I went to buy cupcakes for Pui Yan, and specially made a CD with some meaningful tracks in it. Then it reminds me of every birthday celebration we spent together since standard 6.

Looks like all of us have grown up a lot! From innocent kids to big big girls!
From parents driving us around, until we drive our friends around ! I'm glad, to have you girls accompanying me during my adolescent time.

My first event job was to be a skincare promoter for Cellnique. Fanny, the one beside me on the picture,is my partner of the 5 working days. As expected, it was a tiring promoting job, attracting customers to catch up with the current promotion Cellnique offers.

I suppose the unexpected thing out of it is making a few nice friends and keep in touch with them. Suprisingly, I'm the only K.L born student among them. Come to think of it, it might be a good thing as I can foresee more local trips to be held in future.

Next job------ Beverage promoter

And lastly....



and her..

All 3 of them are making my day busy, since it's almost a 24/7 babysitting job,
I feel that I'm getting older and older in terms of age and physical condition.
Being called " yi-yi" by my niece everyday reminds me of "aunt minnie" often called by my friends- Ah lian and Ah bong , I think I'm really ahead of you all in that case.

Remember what did I say in one of the entries
"Perhaps I babble too much with my niece and nephews nowadays, that I lose my adult side!"

This is what happened when

" Open eyes I see them , Close eyes also I see them!"

Perhaps you got me by now!

With all these activities, I can conclude that my current life is good, confronting new challenges weekly and adapting myself as a babysitter, enjoying the happiness with just one of their smile!

What a busy but exciting April!

April 29, 2008

Sunway College students are all rich kids?

I have confronted a very interesting question while I work as a freelancer this month.Despite,this is not something new to me because there are people who ask me such a question since the day I enrolled in Sunway College last year, I still find it an interesting scene when every new friend comes out with the perception that Sunway University College students are all rich kids.

Friend A: Hey, what college are you currently studying?
Me: Oh, I've completed my pre-u studies last year at Sunway College.
Friend A: Wah... then you must be a rich kid, then don't need to work also can lah!
Me: Hmmm, but I don't get pocket money if I don't work.
Friend A: Haiya, just need to ask your parents to give you, then it should be okay already.
Friend A: You got scholarship or your family is paying for you?
Me: I got partial scholarship and the rest was paid by my parents.

Being a former Sunway student, I can assure you that not all Sunway students come from filthy rich families, and this is definitely a fact I realised after mixing up with other students and classmates. There are those who come from middle-income earners or even financially disabled ones, but they choose Sunway College due to the comfortable study environment and efficient teaching methods. Just like other colleges, Sunway College shows their concern and generosity by offering scholarships and some other financial aids to their students, which makes it an attainable choice to study over there. Even if you don't obtain full A's in SPM, you will still be offered a partial scholarship to minimize the annual tuition fee.

Sometimes I'm doubtful on the idea, why can't Sunway students work to earn extra pocket money, it's definitely a better way to gain money than showing up their hands always to get money from their parents, without knowing how hard the source of their spending come from. Even if they are rich, what's wrong with they work to get what they want with their own money, besides utilizing their holiday time to gain some experience and exposure? In addition,working part-time is not a big deal for peers at our age.

"Furthermore, rich kids cannot work one meh?"

Sorry, but I'm yet to be that pampered to shake legs at home and ain't doing something contributive for the entire long period of my free days.

Rich kids still have to get out out the comfy zone and start devoting themselves into the working field after completing their tertiary education, so working part-time is just an early exposure for them to get used to the workload as well as working hours which they're going to experience it permanently in future.

All in all, there'll be rich kids everywhere, not all centered in just one place.
Therefore, I just hope that this will correct the perception of those out there who still think Sunway College is an institution which gathers a bunch of rich kids, trust me, because I've experienced it and that's why I'm emerging it out.With brilliant academic performance, one can easily be studying at Sunway with full waiver on tuition fees as well.

Furthermore,be it rich kids or poor kids, will still end up working someday, don't self-create a border to distinguish students based on their family's wealthiness, the chunks of money don't fall from the sky easily, there must be some tough stories behind their parents as well.

Forget about that, everyone will have to work for their desires and demands.

And therefore I, am still happy to work as a part-timer and receive self-income, while reminiscing my past experience at Sunway College.

April 24, 2008


These are some of the traits I feel I'm fitted in my zodiac.

Speaking about this characteristic, I think this might be one of my characteristics defined by my friends. It's pretty understandable about their impression, most probably of my tags" Nevermind ", " As long as you're happy with it", " Anything will do me fine","As long as you all like it" which make them feel so.It would be quite useless to ask my opinion on choosing an outing place, a movie to watch or even a criticism. Because you see, sometimes I don't take insults too seriously that it'll wrench me that much.I can be quite ignorant on frenemies and pure rivals, as I seem to accept the fact that there's no 100% friends on earth, those who are uninvited actually are the ones who make us tougher and benefit something from them.Learn to accept your enemies happily because you know they'll have no way to harm you if you shield yourself strong enough!"


I'm a very indecisive person when it comes to buying things. I'm the type who likes to double my walk just to find out the one I like the best in terms of preference as well as price. Sometimes I will be uncertain in making decision,it really takes some hard time for me until a final decision has been made. Very annoying, but this is the hidden annoyance of Pui Mun!Seriously, I hope myself will not be associated with this trait someday, to not self-create more problems to suffer myself.

Strong coping ability

I think it's my strength to have a strong coping ability as I feel I'm easily adjusted to a new environment with my own way. I do feel the anxiety and uncertainty at first but somehow people around me will show me their friendliness which make me creep out and make a step forward.I'm really lucky to have encountered a lot of nice people in life, those whom definitely deserve a tattoo on my heart-"You're on my heart just like a tattoo". They undoubtedly have lent me a hand to cope with any environment quicker and better. Also because of this ability, I feel less worried about studying abroad, what worries me more on overseas life is not what kind of life I'll lead there, but it's what I'll be leaving here in my home country.

Low confidence

My peeps like to encourage me because they know I always keep my confidence low almost touching the floor.They always tell me personally that I don't need to be low confident at all with all the good qualities I have, but I suppose I'm thinking the other way round. I'm a person who does not keep confidence and hopes high because sometimes it might turn down and brings huge disappointments. I prefer going step by step than having whole junks of dreams but have no clue when will I be reaching them.I used to dream, that I could aim at anything and achieve it with my own endeavor, but living up to 19 years of age, life and personal experiences has taught me that, and not everything is reachable regardless how much we strive for it.=) I'm not being pessimistic here, but I learnt a lesson to let go some unattainable things,and then expose to the bigger circle of life which welcomes me more.

Proud to be a librain? I would think that my past and the education I received contribute to my personality.

" Chong Pui Mun makes myself ,but not Libra which brings me who I am!"

April 16, 2008

The brain slows

Since I've started my holidays,I've realised an evolutionary change in me-
my brain activity slows down perpendicularly with my long period of resting. I feel I'm getting much more retarded compared to schooling days where I had frequent touch with the books, though it might aggravte me sometimes,it should be the lifestyle which suits me at my age. Tonnes of assignments and uncountable tests, waking up early for classes and activities, let alone joyous outings and numerous crappy jokes with my peers.

I'm actually missing classes and schooling days.

I used to have something to be proud on- being a speed reader. This priviledge has been in me for years and I especially remember how my secondary peers warn me to slow down my pace because they hardly hear a word from my reading. Unfortunately, I feel that my ability is aggravating during this long holidays. I feel the need to slow down a little and analyse each word while I have any of my reading from newspapers to blogs. This is something unusual for me because I never feel the necessary to adjust myself in the past.

It is not just my reading speed that slows, my thinking skill is descending as well. It takes me long time to conjoint things nowadays, sometimes I don't see the logic in a conversation when everyone else in it seems to get it. There are also times where I feel helpless to pay attention on their conversations, not because of my impatientness, but I tend to lose memory on their words very easily thesedays.Also nowadays,I've some difficulties in expressing myself, I spend longer time to think of a suitable word to elaborate my thoughts, which is not what I used to be.All in all,I think my brain reaction is just getting slower until it comes to a stage to make me feel fed up with this situation.


I'm seriously getting afraid of my losing ability and here's some of the solutions I'm thinking to curb with my degrading brain reactions. Firstly, I suppose I've to immerse myseld into studies as soon as possible, perhaps through picking up some short courses or language classes.

I must continue with my Japanese language study soon, no more "jibun de tabemasu" already XD! I definitely need to register myself for the Lower Intermediate course, this was where I stopped 18 months ago.

Looking for a weekend job is another thing I've been continuosly doing since early April.To me,working during weekends is not solely for the sake of extra earnings, it's a way to keep up my communication skills at the same time, to ensure I don't rot myself at home, talking to my friends and family members, but to know the way to approach the others as well.

Sometimes, having long holidays isn't that great as what we're usually impressed on.*sigh*

Therefore, from now on, I must have put time into good use, do something significant and beneficial.

*Perhaps, I babble too much with my niece and nephews nowadays, that I lose my adult side!*

April 12, 2008

The Passion That Never Dies

She is someone that I truly salute from the bottom of my heart.

Lee Hee-ah(이희아 李僖芽)is a Korean disabled pianist with fantastic talent in piano.
To her, 10 fingers are not a luxury she can entertain.However,this does not stop her from persevering on her dream- to continue flying with her gifted piano talents.

It doesn't inspire me much on how she plays those pieces beautifully, what touches me more is her spirit, the way she believes in herself, which is one thing we need to instill in ourself to live in this doubtful world. Releasing album isn't her desire initially, it's the determination she has for piano which brings her closer to the public, for us, the global audience to listen to the joyful soul touching every of the note gracefully.

Being a piano learner, I definitely understand the route one has to go through to start as a beginner. Learning a music instrument is a never-ending journey, because it must be done without any compulsion,and determination must prevail until the day you decided to step out of it.Although born talent is a plus for a pianist,the key factor to stand on the cream of the crop is through a lot of gruelling trainings with 120% of enthusiasm. If this fails you, you'll hardly feel the excitement of being a part of the musical world. You feel forceful to have daily practises, you feel irritated at a glimpse of the piano examinations' pieces.If that's the case, what for paying yourself for a torturous course every week?

I recently told a friend that every achievement pays a price, because triumphs do not fall from the sky, if you want something badly, then you have to pay the price(badly) for it. While I was learning piano, I once came up to a point where I felt myself talentless, that even 5 hours of practice would be equivalent to 5 hours of sleep.The low confidence rushed up when I saw those professional pianists dancing their fingers on keyboard so easily.God sent me a message then,when I read articles about this korean pianist coincidentally,that I realised I need to conquer my fear to truly understand the objective of learning music.

" I like piano, and therefore learning it means making myself happy, and only I can feel the joy after much sweating"

I'm fortunate enough to have 10 fingers, it must mean that I still have the other 6 fingers to put effort on.Also fortunately, I was under good guidance by piano teacher at that time, that slowly brought me up from downhill.I reminded myself on the reason for my start, and began to understand the significance behind every music piece.Last time, I was way too rushing to reach the top technically, that I barely take the time to understand my emotions, how do I feel for the music that I'm playing.

" I must play emotionally, not just technically"

Until now, I've nothing to say about my piano skills because there are rooms for improvement. When I'm at 90%, I know that there are still another 10% for me to go on. When I'm at 100%, I must make sure that it never falls.Lucky for me, there are supportive people behind me to keep me up with my work.I'm glad I've met them- Ms Julie,Ms Bina, and always....my mom who never stops my passion. I feel warm with the encouragement and patience they shower on me, just like watering a small seed into a growing plant.

"Lee gives tribute to her mother for challenging her to master the piano and said that although her training was difficult, "as time went by, the piano became my source of inspiration and my best friend."

I'm glad I feel the same,because piano became my source of inspiration and my best friend. It has calming effect on me, accompanying me at times of ups and downs.

Thank you to my dear old friend.....piano!