June 28, 2010

Our bet

About one month ago, Eu asked me to randomly guess the world cup champion 2010 by telling me all the participating countries. She knew that I’m a football noob, that’s why she asked me to guess it by using all my luck.

She said : “ Oklah, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, England etc are the stronger teams among the others. “

So with no knowledge about the footballers and their skills,I started eliminating the teams intuitively …

I don’t like Brazil and there’s no reason for it, so Brazil is out.

Argentina, my only impression on Argentina is just that song “ Don’t cry for me, Argentina” and it doesn’t sound good to have everyone crying for the country. I don’t like, so Argentina is out.

England, I only know Beckham, but Beckham is not playing already, so England out.

What’s left? Germany.

Me: Ok, then I choose Germany.

Eu chose Argentina , and we made a bet in such a way that the loser will do a thing for the winner, and if Argentina and Germany didn’t win, then it’s a tie and we shall forget about the bet. Somehow my intuition tells me that she’s going to ask me cook for her if I lost the bet.

Because of that, I actually watched one football live match just to see how Germany team performs.After watching the match between Germany and England, I started feeling good about my supporting team. Hohoho, hopefully the good luck continues my way.


Therefore, one reason Germany should win the World Cup 2010 is because that I chose you out of the other 31 countries based on nothing but a blind guess and faith.

So reward me with your victory okay, keep up the spirit and morale.

June 23, 2010



Today’s my third day back home and everything seems to be going pretty fine and that includes the lovely weather which is much better than my expectation. Although I do miss my peeps in Vancouver, it just feels so good to be home after a long 10-month of consistent battle with the books.

Ahh, I feel so glad to meet my niece and nephews again although my nephews failed to recognize me now(Hmmm, I need some time to patch up our ‘relationship’). Fortunately my niece shows her extremely friendly side to me, she holds my hands whenever she goes everyday and asks me a lot of questions.

JH: I sleep with you on Saturday ok?
JH: You play toys with me ok?
JH: We go to find ‘lao shi’ together ok?
JH: I hold your hands and we go back to Vung Tao together ok?
Me: Ok.

The feeling of re-joining the innocent world definitely puts a smile on my face.

Besides that, I've started my K.L life and everything’s familiar yet strange to me. Since I moved into a new house, I can’t recognize the roads and the buildings nearby completely, so now’s the hard time for me to learn everything from the start again. Therefore,I’ve to commute and live on ‘car-less’ days until I’ve mastered the new roads.

Right, that’s all for now! I gotta start my busy ‘socializing’ life again according to Susie.

June 17, 2010

Appreciate the goodness

There are just 2 more days until the end of my summer course. That means my summer in Vancouver is ending soon, which also marks up the start of my summer back home. This summer means a lot to me because I get to spend half of my summer here and another half in Malaysia.Because of that, I get to experience the life with sunset at 9 p.m and also dress in skirts or shorts whenever I go out.

My biggest gain in this summer is getting to know a bunch of new friends I think. My summer is wonderful because of their existence. Basically, I’ve spent my whole summer with them since we will meet up a few times weekly. They’ve brought me to do things which I have not tried before such as pool, not forgetting those horror movies they forced me to watch every few weeks. Also, this summer is like a Chinese+ Hokkien class to me because I’ve learned quite a bit from them. They make me realize that life in Vancouver could be much more fun with interesting friends around.

It doesn’t matter where do you come from, it doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you’re willing to open up yourself and meet with the others, you know your life can never be more fun than this. This is exactly how I feel right now, to appreciate the goodness and minimize the badness in life.


Thanks buddies and it’s now about time to go home!

Old buddies back home, I’ll be back really soon.

June 12, 2010

Because I want to see you smile

It was my first time seeing my best friend cried. I’ve never seen this side of him before, and because of that, I was totally speechless for the first time.Speechless, because his pain is beyond my imagination; speechless, because what he needs is some time to cry his heart out. You know how this feeling goes, when your best friend cries, your tears will start cascading down your face as well, because it hurts so bad to see your best friend cries.

He said I’m tough when it comes to love problems, but I know I can be as fragile as anyone else, the truth is just that no one knows when I’m crying. What I knew was that I didn't want to be given artificial hope by the one anymore. Never.If I don’t be cruel to myself for at least once, then I can only stay as a fragile piece of glass for the entire life. So what I did to myself in these few months was to lose in touch a bit by a bit with the one until it didn’t matter much to me if he is there or not. Firstly there’s no meet up, slowly followed up by no phone calls, no reminiscence, no blog updates, no facebook, and lastly, nearly zero msn conversation.

“我们都没错 只是不适合”

It might sound a bit extreme but somehow that’s the most efficient way for me to get rid of the depressive side of me. Seriously, I had no idea how did I go through all these for so long, but I know I’ve made it this far somehow. A lot of times I’m just like you, I ask myself why must it be me? What did I do wrong to deserve all these? No matter how many times I’ve asked myself the same question, there’s always only the empty air in the sky which answers my question.

“快乐是我的 不是你给的 寂寞要自己负责”

So many sleepless nights accompanied me and hundreds and hundreds of songs filled up the night. So many comforts I had heard but nothing really changed the reality. So many evenings I had spent with the sunset and also night walks. So many times I’ve looked down on myself and lost the last bit of confidence in me. So many nights I cried myself to sleep. So much, so much I’ve gone through when I’m still smiling in front of you guys, so much that I don’t know where the courage derives from. I don’t understand why is everyone so confident in me when things aren’t as good as they assume to be.

“选择是我的 不是你给的 明天要自己负责”

But I know crying won’t change anything, it just makes you feel better after the rain. Also, I’m not an escapist anymore, I don’t leave when things don’t go my way, I’ve learnt to stand still and prevail instead. I told myself to keep out of all these and rely on myself and the other friends when I need help. I know he’s never the one I can rely on. And most importantly, love is never the only happiness in my life. It’s not everything, it’s just a part of it.Sometimes, it's really better to forget everything with that someone and let the new life takes its toll on me. So I chose to grant myself a new life and new circle of friends while giving my full blessings to him.

I knew if I wanted to smile genuinely happy in front of him someday, I needed to be this cruel to myself first.

I'm so glad that I did it now, I really did it!! I can't say that I don't miss him at all for now, but a new life has slowly crept in and I'm getting happier with my current life. He's no longer my pillar strength anymore, neither is he the major indicator in my happiness nowadays. I have slowly moved forward and found a new life.

”若我们再见 我会微笑”

Slowly, my faith in him died.

Don’t feel bad for me because I’ve stopped sympathizing myself a long time ago. I think many of you may not know this much until today, but most of you sure know me well, when I can finally tell out my feelings, that means it doesn’t matter much to me to tell out the story now. That means, it’s now the right time to reveal everything and then go home with a grateful heart.

“绕一圈 今天的我能和昨天面对面”

What I’m really longing for is this best friend of mine to go on a recovery gradually and start to see the other beautiful things around him again.

What I’m really longing for is to hug all my friends and family when I return.

What I’m really waiting for is to patch up the pieces and pieces of self-confidence again.



June 10, 2010





因为想试探对方的心意而牵的手,轻轻握着的两只小手握的也许是一份成功,也可能是一份失败,就好象玩大冒险游戏那样,只有向前或退后,yes or no,从来就没有持平的立场。
因为随性而牵的手才最难懂,有时候深怕自己事后想太多,对方不一定是喜欢自己才牵手,是在开玩笑吗?到底是什么意思呢? 因为没有问下去的勇气,所以就不了了之的结束了。






