February 27, 2011

February is the month.


Took the first snow picture of mine after 2 years. I’ve been waiting for this snow for megalong, thus I was so prepared for it once it came by and quickly grabbed the opportunity for a photo shooting session with my best photo shooting buddy-Eu. I like to update myself consistently by taking pictures of myself with different looks under the same setting every year, just to figure out how much of a difference I’ve had in a year. Based on the comparison, I think I’ve done a good job in keeping myself in the best physical and mental state, also in terms of skincare and fashion.

I like it when Law says, the little girl has finally grown up and I can see the difference in you. I really take it as a compliment and motivation to keep heading towards the positive direction and gradually up-level myself in every aspect as best as I could. I’m certainly glad with the general acceptance among my peers on the slightly-different me each year. I will only go better or remain the same but never the worst, that is one commitment I’ve pledged to myself.

Credit to the superb photographer Chai Jui.

Had a getaway trip with my friends during spring break. It turned out to be an unexpected trip for me after receiving a few surprises in 2 days, I think it was more of a get-to-know-each-other-better and make-my-state-of-mind-clear trip for me as I felt a great sense of relief after the entire trip. It seems like trips are always doing me good, and I was glad that this trip served its purpose well too! After the trip, there's only one thought in my mind- I truly hope that you will be completely healed one day, as I know that the day will eventually come for you. That day has come for me already, I hope yours will soon arrive too!


My first Valentine’s baking project in 22 years of my life for friends that I truly appreciate. I had to say, baking pineapple tarts wasn’t easy at all when you had to start from the foundation step-cooking pineapple paste!!Fortunately,the compliments received on the final product definitely made me feel accomplished ultimately. I spent 2 days baking these little babies for my friends, while thinking of all my close friends around the world simultaneously, and that kept me going on with the exhaustive baking session.

Love is not inclusive to couples only but it can be spread around whenever you want to. Love won’t keep you out of reach if you took the effort to break into it.


Spent a great night out with my ex-classmate- Harry and his friends. He hit me with a surprise on the last day of my break by his sudden visit to Vancouver, and we quickly arranged for a dinner through text messages. Meeting the first Ausmatian classmate in Vancouver was the highlight of the outing, it was something that I was longing for 3 years, after being the only Ausmatian in Vancouver among my classmates. His visit has brought back a lot of the good old days and I felt amazed by the change we both have had in these 4 years. A great night out with some warm sake, that makes my February a very different one of all the 3 years in Vancouver.


Had a lot of good foods with the buddies this month! Eating out is definitely one of the regular outing activities in Vancouver for me, simply because I can’t think of a better thing to do than a chit-chatting session with good foods around. I had a good catch up with different bunch of friends and it was a joy to see everyone doing good in their lives. Every outing reminds me of how far I've gone in expanding my social network in Vancouver and blending into every social circle gradually.I see this as a self-improvement in socializing as well as an effort to make time for worthy friends.

Always appreciate the goodness and never stop the effort , I will.


Rewarded my ears with some soothing music on a Friday night. Watching at least one musical performance per term has become habitual to me as I take it as a stress-releasing activity from the regular hectic life. I’m definitely a person who needs considerable amount of peace and tranquilization in my life, and I make peace with my life by welcoming music into my world.

Always feel thankful for the healing power of music and I will continue to embrace it for the rest of my life.


Went through a transition state in my love life and started to appreciate the surprising encounter this month. For the past year, I’ve been locking up myself from people who tried to climb over the wall to clear up the misery for me when I should no longer keep it. I avoided these sensitive things as much as I could and chose to be a nice person to everyone but not the only one for a special person. It’s only until recently, when his presence rings the bell and fits into the right timing for me because I can finally confront with my past and convince myself in committing to a new life, and probably, a new story. It’s my first time letting go myself completely and feeling comfortable with the way we get along with each other after a year. I feel good, at the moment, with everything that is coming my way. Thank you for making me in believing that, making peace with the past is a way to prepare myself for the good things to come.


Yes, appreciate the goodness is what I’ve been telling myself, I will foster it carefully this time and stay neutral with the outcome. One new friend or one new relationship, either way is doing me good, so I shall stay calm for every possibility.

Our first date is coming soon, please wish me luck friends! =)

February is still a month of love, friends, and fun for me. I hope it’ll stay like this for another 10 months, that’ll bring me to a fantabulous 2011.

February 19, 2011

Good things will come to those who wait

When someone breaks your heart for so many times, it doesn’t really matter anymore if there’s going to be another time or more to come. It’s not even about depression or disappointment, but you begin to understand that there’s nothing left for them to be exploited, and you have nothing to lose. Some say it’s cruel to be treated in such a wrong way, some say you deserve a better life, but to me, it’s a complete self-willingness to face the reality regardless of what opinions you’ve heard beforehand. Opinions are opinions, they don’t intersect with self-will if you don’t want to link them together.

I usually discourage friends to wait for highly mercurial people, because I don’t know what else you could do when you have given them the biggest commitment you can afford. Let go of the mercurial people, your life will be way too tired to catch up with their pace, when they hardly know what they truly want in life except for themselves. Let go of the mercurial people, let them figure out their desires before coming back to you, while giving yourself a chance to explore another kind of life that may fit you.They say, you need to encounter some heart breakers in life as they prepare you to love the right person in future. I believe that, we all need some real-life experiences to teach us more about every aspect in life, and that includes love.

Of course, human hearts are not mechanically made, they don’t come as simple as switches and programmable software, you need time to reconsider about the option you’ve decided to give up upon and resume to the ordinary life. But your friends will come to rescue you when you breakdown and lead you to the life you should look forward to. They play a good role at that, better than you can imagine, so don’t be afraid to stay fragile once in a while, you are never alone in the dark.

Most importantly, I also believe that good things will come to those who wait, just like rain will be followed by a rainbow. Good things will reserve a place for good people, because deserving people know the way to look out for good things, do have faith on that!

While waiting for the good things to come, never forget to appreciate yourself even more to better yourself, it's worth it in the end, both to yourself and the other person.

February 10, 2011

February 05, 2011



1. 最近别人赞我皮肤有变滑了,也许是我坚持每周做面膜和尽量早睡的效果吧。皮肤还是要从内到外的深层调理会比较有效,再加上每日三大笑,真的会见效喔,而且微笑是最好的化妆品,所以大家也不妨试试看吧!

2. 最近胃口有变好,虽然偶尔还是会泻个两三天,但比起之前还真的算是有很大的进步了。目前还是会每天吃药,体重还是43公斤,但我会继续加油增回上去的。 虽然会常被人拉起衣角嫌我手腕像骨头,也常被人猛抓手臂测量细度,更常被亏说‘我以为你快升仙了,都不会觉得饿”,但“记得要吃饭”绝对是我发病之后听到最多的关心,还真的很感谢大家的温馨小提示,我会继续努力吃饭去的!

3. 最近听到某人赞赏说‘Michelle变正了,刘海真的很适合你’!我觉得自己很幸运,因为我既没有明星耀眼的脸庞,也没有很多女生憧憬的双眼皮+瓜子脸+樱桃嘴,所以每次得到别人的赞赏的时候还真的觉得他们都太善良了,竟然愿意哄我一下小赞美一番。一直以来,我都秉持着一个信念,那就是我不需要是最漂亮的那个,但只要别人不觉得丑就好了。谢谢大家的善解人意啦,让我这小小的世界充满了许多的人间温情。

4. 最近课业很繁忙,虽然有时候会睡的比较少,但事实证明了努力是不会被白费的,所以我绝不会轻言放弃自己。3rd year绝对是我去图书馆最多的一年,以前我一想到图书馆就觉得人很多,宁可回家复习,但现在都会善用空档的时间跟朋友讨论功课,或是自己复习一下。我相信那是好的现象,所以也希望好成绩能一直延续下去啦!

5. 最近音乐灵感很多,很多旋律常在我脑海中闪过,只可惜我没能好好抓住每一次的机会,立即冲到钢琴前谱曲,不然我相信我早已作好几首作品了。说起钢琴,我也有好几个月没去练习了,每次看到自己僵硬的手指就感到沮丧,希望能利用这次的短假好好恶补一下,要不然10几年功夫很快就会化为乌有了。

6. 情人节快到了,有些朋友问我送礼的意见,我个人觉得情人节是花心思而不是砸大钱的日子,所以只要早点准备的话,就算是小小的东西也有可能会变成最大的惊喜滴。大家可以多花点时间回想一下对方说过的话+兴趣,我相信只要继续往这方向前进的话就一定能想到适合对方的礼物。大家加油,如果真不行的话可以再找我讨论讨论,两个人想总比一个人快嘛!今年我决定要实践一个不错的主意,真希望会成功,我相信自己也会很享受准备的过程。别人开心之余,我自己也很开心,何乐而不为呢?

7. 最近有一位好友深受感情困扰,陷入进退两难的局面。虽然对你们最后的结局感到可惜,但我想那一定是你们挣扎很久之后的决定吧,既然是对目前的你们最好的选择,我也深深祝福你们能够坚持地走下去。路是自己创造出来的,只要有足够的喜欢,也有足够的珍惜,就一定能走下去。记得我跟你说过吗? 只要够喜欢,就不会有解决不了的事情,属于你的,经过一番努力后也会回到你的身边;不属于你的,再勉强下去也只是伤害自己而已。真心希望这位朋友能够找到自己真正的幸福,记得要相信自己的选择,加油!