January 10, 2010

When I look back into 2009 Part III


I went to a few field trips last year (a field trip to a semi-virgin forest to collect data, UBC farm trip, and a dairy farm trip). The most special one would be the field trip to a dairy farm, which fell on my birthday. I was really excited about it, because never in my life had I seen a dairy farm before, what more about the entire breeding and milking process. The whole farm is operated by a family called Kitzel, and each of them explained the different sectors in cow's
milk production.

So with the other classmates, I walked through the whole farm-from the milking machine, cow’s barn, dike, till the cow’s pit(last picture) where cow’s poo is neatly placed. Let’s start from the milking machine, notice that the cows do not have tails because that’s for hygiene purpose during the milking process. Last time, when milk was collected manually, cows tend to fling their tail and splash the milk on the milk collector. Therefore, the tails are gone now. The way they milk the cow is by putting the milkers on the teats. The milk collected will then go to a bottle-like bowl and be kept cold till it’s collected by the milk truck.

Speaking about the cow’s pit, it is as big as a basketball court, no joke on that, and Kitzel family is currently working on using the cow’s poo as an energy source to run the farm. Good thing was, I did not suffocate when I walked near it because it did not have the unpleasant smell at all. Then, we went to visit the cow’s barn. There are 3 barns altogether, 1 for the cows&bulls, 1 for the calves, and another one for the pregnant cows. Lastly, we were taught on the cow’s feed-silages stored in the silo.

There were too much to learn in this trip, and I was really glad to have field trips as such to trigger my interest in agricultural field since it’s directly related to my course as well. ^_^ There you go, a good learning trip and also an unforgettable birthday I had.


In 2009,I received a lot of cards, presents, notes and warm wishes from my friends. Mostly consist of encouraging words to wish me all the best in a foreign world. The most touching part was that, they sent me cards on special occasions like Friendship week, Chinese New Year, and Valentine’s day. You name it, I have it.I like D.I.Y things, especially handwritten cards because I love seeing people’s handwriting, it somewhat tells you a bit about that person.

Others sent me secret notes, poems, e-cards and other methods of greetings.And yea,I have a really good news to tell you all:I have a special space reserved for all these cards, so that I can see them whenever I need some nights for memories.
Sometimes I really wish that you guys were here with me, breathing the same air, seeing the same scenery, and living under the same sky, but this seems like asking too much from you guys. Vancouver is like an isolated place, distant 12,781 K.M from Kuala Lumpur, so far that it hurts my butt everytime I fly back home.

But then, I found another good way to express my love for you guys.I began taking scenery pictures to show you guys the place that I’m currently living, the view that I’m looking, to make you feel what I feel, hopefully. I’ve also started my money-saving plan so that I can visit you guys one by one.

For those in Hong Kong (=P Atlee GG will be there soon), NZ (Valerie), Paris(Susie), Aus (My territory, too many people on the list), England (HW,and soon for Lawrence). I’m not sure if I could visit them all, but I guess 1 or 2 will be possible if I worked hard enough.

Just wait for me.

At the same time, please TRY to save some money for an air-ticket to Vancouver, I beg you. At least give it a try!

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