January 07, 2010

When I look back into 2009 Part II


2009 was a challenging year; I left home for 8 months for the first time in my life. It meant seeing my buddies once a year, it meant reduced outing time with them, and it meant that we were really apart now, geographically.

Not seeing them every month like how I used to for the past MANY years was a torture to me. Life was so dull without pasar malam night with MK, Kim Gary with the hubbies, and also K-day with Susie& Lian, but I think this is something I’ve to cope with for 4 years. I should have expected the circumstances since the day I decided to study abroad. But I have so much faith in our friendships, I believe in our efforts to maintain the friendship.

A lot had happened in 2009, some friends fell sick, some faced dilemma in love, some struggled with their studies, and I, witnessed every incident that took place. My words wouldn’t do the magic on them, so I ran with them, hoping that they could find comfort from my support.

Some say ‘you’ll never learn to appreciate things until you lose them’. I say, I don’t have to lose things to grow my appreciation towards people who mean a lot to me. They’re the pearls in my heart; they remind me where my home is.

The life cycle requires everyone to grow up and make a decision which determines their future. Some friendships may be distorted and ruined halfway, but those which survived will eventually blossom and be guaranteed a place in the ‘friends for life’ list. In 2009, I learnt that in some cases it’s not entirely my problem when a friendship fails to maintain, but it’s reality that changes a person’s personality, and that’s when a friendship begins to crack when 2 souls can no longer compromise with each other.

No life is perfect, even when it comes to friends. I’m glad that I’ve found out the rotten tomatoes,because they remind me to treasure my pearls.

food 1

I made some changes in my dietary plan last year. To my surprise, I managed to pull it off quite well. Hopefully I’ll go on with the determination and invent more recipes this term, so that I can cook a proper dinner for my family when I go back. Ganbatte ne

A lot of times I feel like advising some of my friends who have certain unhealthy habits because it’s a torture to me to see them overloading themselves with tones of sugars, oils, and meats which are ‘healthy’ and ‘satisfying’ choices to them. But I know, it’s difficult to change a person, you know my style, I don’t talk about it anymore when I realize that person doesn’t give a shit on what I say. The true value of food scientist and nutritionist is to give verbal advises to those in need and are willing to make a change. If I did my part, then it’s your choice to take it or leave it.

I can feel that I’m walking towards my future career and doing what a food scientist should do in her life- to be responsible of her own health before convincing the others.

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