January 21, 2010

My creative BB meals


One day, I was craving for Korean cuisine-Bibimbap, and I couldn’t find anyone up for it. So from that day onwards, I promise myself to learn Bibimbap so that it won’t be out of reach when I want it so badly.For those of you who have no idea on what Bibimbap is, it’s like Korean mixed rice whereby you mix your ingredients with the Korean chili paste with some sesame sprinkled on it.

So, I looked up for some simple recipes of Bibimbap and bought the important ingredients, and then modified some parts of it. That was how the first ever bowl of Bibimbap(I call it 拌拌饭(ban ban fan) )was born in my kitchen. Don't be deceived by the look, it was scrumptious and healthy because a lot of ingredients were added (sliced baby carrots,minced chicken,vegetables,egg, and fish tohu)

Thinking that I could make more use of the chili paste since it’s quite a big bottle, I went out of the box and tried to cook something else with the paste.

I mind you:From here onwards, be prepared of some really weird stuffs which you may not have seen or even heard before. That’s because I just invented them also, and that usually happens when I miss out certain ingredients and I'm out of time.Therefore, the best way is to mix ingredients I've in the fridge which 'seem' to make a good blend.

Fusion+fusion, it’s even more complicated than a mixed blood baby because basically I combined anything that I could think of and put my cooking skills into maximum use. I mixed several types of cuisines together and there it was-another baby was born in the kitchen.

拌拌乌冬面 Ban Ban(BB) Udon

My housemate was not convinced that this tasted good, she told me not to eat 拌拌(mixed)stuff always, because one day I would become 笨笨 (stupid). To her, 拌拌饭=笨笨饭 (Bibimbap= Stupid rice), and therefore 拌拌乌冬面=笨笨乌冬面 (BB udon=Stupid udon) which is quite funny when translated into Mandarin.

Of course I know that she was joking, hence I did not give up on my ban ban’s cooking recipes so easily. I proceeded down the route and one day, I invented another new thing.

This was totally unexpected because I created it under ‘pressure’. Few days ago, I so wanted to stuff my stomach with pasta, but halfway cooking the manicotti, I noticed that I was running out of pasta sauce.

Worst thing was I did not have milk either, so I couldn’t cook carbonara pasta.


Deng deng, there comes the life saver of the day- Korean chili paste. I quickly stirred it with water , sliced some baby carrots, and put it on the saucepan without hesitation, not even a second of hesitation because I knew I didn’t have a choice.

‘I’ll just eat whatever that it turns out to be’, I whispered.
(p/s:Shh, don't laugh at me.)

拌拌pasta =ban ban(BB) pasta


Third baby was born this year, and trust me, it was really good (2 thumbs up for BB pasta). It tasted better than baby Udon because the chili paste had a better blend with the chewy manicotti. It’s kind of like an Asian version of pasta, without cheese, milk, and butter. Also,the appearance reminded me of ddeokbokki, since it was reddish with some pasta-alike noodles in it.


I think it’s really worthwhile to buy the Korean chili paste because BB meals have been served as my dinner quite frequently since the day first baby was born. Oops, it looks like I’m indulged in my own world with all the BB meals, but who cares,I've pushed the utility of Korean chili paste onto the next level, at least to satisfy myself.I'm really glad that so many babies were born in my kitchen in these few months,and they were all good looking(internally and externally of course).=P

And who says only babies can have baby meals?

I have my own BB meals too.

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