January 25, 2010

Coke speaks


I realized that I haven't really blogged about Coca-cola although I’ve been keeping up with this habit of collecting cola cans for 8 years.

I started collecting cola cans when I was 13 years old. One day, when I was in a supermarket in Shanghai, I saw a coca-cola can with chinese writing on it “可口可乐”. I thought it was an interesting thing to collect cola cans from all over the world since they consist of different languages, sizes, designs, and also some limited editions cans when a special occasion is around. That marked off the start of my habit with coca-cola cans.


When people go for travelling, they’ll usually make up a list of must-do-things in a foreign country. A little different from theirs, one of my must-do and must-buy things in a new place would be coca-cola can, therefore drug marts or supermarkets will usually be one of my targets.

Why do I love coca-cola so much? Why not pepsi since you like blue colour?

That’s a good question. I guess it’s the mouthfeel of cola because I’ve been drinking coke all the while.It’s more gassy, less sweet and tastes better. So if I were given a chance to collect something between these two brands, I would definitely go for my personal favourite.


To me, coke somehow resembles world union because it does not discriminate, it is universal and majority of the people from all walks of life love it. Everyone will be able to get a can of coke with less than 2 dollars. Coke speaks different languages too, although the taste may be different for different countries,but when I see the red can, I know my love is somewhere near. Having said that, I’m not really crazy over coke and I don’t drink it every day. Over the years, my main reason of drinking it is to collect the can, besides the sudden crave occasionally.

I took some pictures before I left home last year, when I was packing for my new home.I roughly calculated my cola cans and they were approximately 110 cans.

Coke of different flavours and designs.

Coke of different sizes

Mini coke (US)


“北京欢迎您”(Beijing Olympic 2008 collection-Beijing welcomes you)

Now that I've moved to a new house, I've a problem.

Where to put the 100+ cans in my room? HOWWW?

That's a good question I've to think about when I go back home this year.

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