This is the third year we all are fighting for our beloved little boy Jia Kenn on CP, especially his parents. He is a tough boy, I dare say he’s tougher than anyone of us when we were at his age. The pain he endures from all sorts of therapies is really beyond description, not to mention his effort in going through all the traumatizing things at such a young age. I see how he has been occupied with all the activities everyday and how he has been fighting with them all the while. Really, I’ve never thought so much about health until I’m touched down with some real life examples from the closest person around me.
When we knew about his condition, I used to ask myself one question: Why must it be him? He’s just a baby, why must he go through so much pain and a much more difficult life?
The question remains until I read my sister’s blog one day and she says:
‘But, ugly truth always catches up with you. Truth has a nasty way of slapping you in the face sometimes. It keeps reminding you everyday with the difficulties he has to deal with as he grows older. e.g. scoliosis.’
We don’t ask why when we’re chosen for a talent, a good life, a golden opportunity or anything good and lucky, so why should we ask why when we’re given a much more challenging path than the others? We shall never ask what God has hideously planned for us, but we go through it and learn a lesson about life from there. Life has a way of going on its own without giving you a reason sometimes, until you’re willing to accept the reality and deal with it then only will you understand the reason behind it.
Also, why must we think of it as a misfortune? His presence is a gift to all of us in the family, we always feel grateful for him and big Kenn. But I never even want to think of him as a special kid, because he is just like everyone of us: to gain the general acceptance in the society, besides being able to walk and take care of his own in future.
Since then, I refused to ask why anymore because I’ve so much faith in him, I believe the day when I see him walking and hearing ‘yiyi’ from him is not far if we support him all the way down the road. Also, I’ve gained so much power from Jia Kenn, so I really hope that he’s also pumped up with all the support around him and keep up the good work until he reaches the miracle.
I love the boys, very very much. I feel thankful for the boys, very very much.
Thank you Kenns’ mama for the boys and also all the hard work all these while.
While we are still ranting so much about our lives, have we ever thought of those who suffer so much more than us, so much that’s enough to keep our mouth shut and just keep going on with our well-gifted opportunity to live.
It’s a pleasure to be given an opportunity to live an ordinary life and possess all that we have, have you ever thought of it?