I really enjoy my time back home so far,have been spending plenty of fun time with family, friends, books, gym, and piano, meanwhile updating my life with my Vancouver buddies out there. I like the sense of belonging and comfort here, it makes me feel like I’m a part of somebody else’s social circle and I mean something to them. Thank you for proving to me on how good my life already is.
I had a nice haircut and I'm doing my best to make my hair alive again. I’ve bangs now and it feels like as if I went back to my high school times , with that bangs and a straight pony tail, the only difference is that I’ve permed hair now. Colouring my hair for the first time really ruined my virgin hair, and I’m doing my best to rejoice it now. “Dear hair, your healthiness is my concern you know, so don’t upset me with all the split ends and dryness.”
6 months have past and I did make changes to accommodate with my life now. In order to live healthily and tidily, I had a major clean up for my rooms in Vancouver and also K.L and got rid of all the unwanted stuffs which I hesitated to throw last time.
I can now understand why they say I keep a lot of garbage in my room. Now I see that a new start only comes after a major clean up of everything. I also kept some memorable things in a box while leaving some in my friend’s place in Vancouver. I think, it’s like a Pandora box to me so I’ll hardly open it again unnecessarily. It’s for the better, I tell myself.
Yes, it’s for a new start.
I’m not angry, upset or disappointed anymore, but somehow I lack the intention to talk to him. Maybe knowing about someone’s life a tad lesser is doing me good. Perhaps I’m also a selfish person, I don’t want to be reminded on certain things, so just let a new life slips in and maintain it like how it is now. Months have passed and I feel tranquilized now after putting in so much effort to forget, therefore I don’t think I should break the mercy and ruin the balanced life I have for now.
"若你碰到了替我问候他, 告诉他我过得很美满"
"若你碰到了替我问候他 祝福他和他的另一半
There’s one person whom I want to thank from the bottom of my heart- bear bear Young. You always accompany me in the hardest time, from 7 years ago until now.