Last term, housemate WX told me that sometimes it’s not that you’re not capable of doing well, but you just lack that bit of time to grasp the materials properly. Come to think of it, I really lacked the time to revise for every subject equally last term, aside from my weak grasp of materials in certain subjects. It was difficult for me to jungle between assignments and midterms flood, until I truly felt the need to take summer course.
If I could, I really wouldn’t give up but it’s really beyond my control to decide about this anymore. When my mind says yes but body shakes head to me, I know it’s time to re-arrange my course registration.
Mom advises me not to push myself too hard and just take summer course if necessary.
“ You’ll be sitting at home for 4 months if you don’t take summer course anyway, so why not just study for another 1.5 month.”
So that’s the reason why I’ll be back in late June. If not, I can’t imagine myself taking 7 courses for every term next year, I know it’ll be a nearly impossible task for me to do well academically.
Although everyone will be going on a vacation when I'm still burying my head in between books, I'm really not in a holiday mood now. The joyfulness I had gained from the Vancouver winter games was as exciting as going on a vacation.I feel so energetic after seeing all the fantastic people and fabulous events around me.
Too bad it was gone too quickly.