I’m not a fan of mini-sized stuffs but there’s one exception to this- Purikura (photo sticker). I like Purikura a lot because of the dreamy and whitening photo effects aside from the various background selections. During my times in Malaysia, I used to take Purikura several times in a year with different bunch of friends.What I love the most is that every set of pictures will never look the same with various photo booths around for me to choose.
Some people think that Purikura is a splurge, but I’m sure many girls will defend it. To them, people have to squeeze in the photo booth and start posing in every few seconds. They don’t see a point of being so gan jeung when taking a picture, why not just sit in front of a digital camera and pose for gazillion times until you’re purely satisfied with the photos taken since that's more frugal. What's worse is that, as if the photo is not small enough, we still have to cut it into a few pieces to share it with our friends.
Usually those who don’t like Purikura are either guys or those who don’t like to take pictures at all. I don’t blame them as people without a little sense of narcissism will only put their money into waste when taking Purikura, because it’ll be much more interesting and fun if you enjoy the craziness and ganjeung-ness during the photo-taking process.
Of course, don’t do it so often until every pose in your picture looks almost the same, take Purikura occasionally as a souvenir for someone else. Purikura can be much more fun when you're with the right bunch of people. My friends and I usuallly take Purikura as a remembrance for some significant days, such as someone’s farewell or birthday. Then we share it among the few of us, so that everyone gets the same piece of souvenir and memory.
Also, I think Purikura has beautifying effect. Almost nobody will look ugly in it because you can always add some stuffs to cover the parts that you don’t like. If not you can just choose the best few shots and make them even prettier. And almost nobody will say that you look ugly in a Purikura.Based on my observation, they will only say cute even if the people are not cute inside, the background colour, bling bling and those cute shapes will attract their attention. Of course, it’ll be a benefit if you’re pretty, because Purikura will make you cuter and prettier.
When these people look at regular photos and see someone who's not so good looking, somehow they’ll be harsher. Seriously, my guy friends will tell me straight off “Ei, that girl looks ugly.” or “She looks fat.”
Sigh. I wonder why I have guy friends who are so mean sometimes.Perhaps a photo is beyond a photo to them.