Few days ago I talked to Lawrence and he randomly tested me on his 20 cents theory:
Law: What will a girl do if a guy only had 20 cents?
Me:Ehh, why?
If the girl took all the 20 cents, that means the girl loves herself more than she loves the guy.
If the girl shared with the guy and each gets 10 cent, that means she's really looking into their future, and she's willing to work hard together for it.
If the girl gave all the money to the guy, that means she loves the guy more than he loves her.
Me:What if the girl gave the guy extra 20 cents?
Law:That means...the girl is rich.
Me: Lol.
Law: Jk.That case then the guy will be very touched and will work even harder to repay the girl for what she has sacrificed for him,to make her feel that he's worth it.
That's the funny future lawyer's set of 20 cents theory, I LOL-ed twice because I knew he made it up. That's just so his style because he loves crapping. The more you know him, the more you understand his bird language.
Being distant for 7942 miles, 16 hours of time difference, 8 months of not seeing each other yearly, it's so amazing that he's always there when I need a pair of ears. He's like my second brother, teaching me his bird language and his ways to distinguish a good guy and a bad guy.Most of the time,he also shares with me his lame jokes and basically everything that we can think about.
People who don't know him good enough will think that he's always playful and sarcastic. Some girls even find it annoying because he criticizes them quite often.However, I really appreciate his honesty and care although his sarcasm can never change. At least he bothers to tell me things straight off without giving me face at all, instead of lying to me.His honesty and care are what I find valuable in our friendship.
He's definitely one of the very important guy friends (V.I.G) in my life.Bear bear young tops the ranking, Law will definitely be the second. With them, I've more than enough reasons to be content with my life.