I was about to make Kaya toast this evening, while my dad was eating porridge in the kitchen.
While I was spreading the Kaya over the bread, my dad came closer and asked:
我: 嗯,这罐是妈妈刚新买的。
Then he slowly walked off.It was a very short moment of my dad and I, but worth a million times more than it takes. This was something extraordinary from my dad, I whispered to myself.
To me, my dad is a silent thinker who does not reveal much about himself, be it his feelings or concerns, especially in front of his children.He repeats the same daily routine, which mainly is a switch among his career,family and frequent exercises.
Such acts never make me think that I'm sympathetic for being neglected or not getting enough attention because I understand the fact that this is his style of being a father, a responsible father who silently works hard behind his daughters.
Living under the same roof since my birth and the blood bond definitely bring us some similarities, being passionate on the same interests, from the food we like until the sports we support.
This is my father, the true hero that deserves my salutation for the entire life.
I once heard an interesting conversation about the forgotten heroes-fathers, how their children position them at different level of maturity as well as the stage of life they're placed in. When we were young, most of us worshiped our father to an
extent that they could bring down our dreams for us, father is the God in existence,who equips us mentally,educationally,financially. They are the role model for us to imitate,a philosopher who educates us a lot of theories in life, a supporter who truly appreciates your decisions.
As our age rises, we gain more exposure from other sources, starting to know those superheroes on screen, from Superman, Batman, Spiderman who instill the Heroes ideology in us, we begin our journey to adore these superheroes, who either wear extraordinary apparels or have uncommon features. We barely think ,
because everything they do seem to be so cool to us, young adolescent kids.
Days after days our life is shadowed with more of them, we buy t-shirts with these superheroes' image printed, video tapes to re-watch and re-watch the favourite scene of ours, toys to accompany us all the time. They have the unusual power which surpass our father, most of us thought. They have cool gadgets to play along with, we tend to think.Something start to miss out when we're indulged in this new company in our life and someone's being forgotten. We tend to spend lesser time playing around with our father.
Father has slowly become the forgotten and silent hero.
This forgotten hero never gave up and continuously provided his children with what they like, because he believed it was a satisfaction to have the ability to give.
He carried out with his daily routine and bought toys regularly for his children, brought them out for vacation,because in his eyes children' excitement would be a great achievement to him as a father. He never asked directly about his daughters' results, but he chose to support behind them, because between effort and performance, he chose effort. He just wanted his children to stay happy besides hiding heads in between of books. He wanted his children to stay healthy besides involving in various outdoor activities.
This is my father, the true hero that deserves my salutation for the entire life.
My father started from zero and gained everything using his brain and a pair of hands. Many of them see the sweet glamorous achievements under his endeavours, not a hundred people have witnessed the bumpy roads he went through with my mother. I got to know it later when my mom shared my dad's life experiences with me.I see it happening, that's why I'm always impressed on you, my hero.Being an earnest businessman, his intelligence brings him profitable trades.Being a father, he never fails to become my role model, I simply adore the morale support and million-cents worth of advices he gives.As an experienced teller, he sees the picture more clearly and therefore can jump out of the box for better suggestions.He doesn't pin-point the solutions, but he leaves hints for me to find out the answer, the suitable answer for myself. He doesn't talk much, but he'll still silently support us in his own way.
I love my father for many reasons, not solely being a filial daughter. I receive a lot of important pieces from him, that it will be indefinite for me to repay.
I'm feeling grateful to this forgotten hero, for all he has done and given.
It's something I only manage to understand as I grow older, that he is the most
down-to-earth, rational and loving hero on earth.
He doesn't have Batman mobile for me to drive, but he bought a Myvi which is just nice for a fresh driver like me.
My house is not as big as half of Tony Stark's, but bed is still where I find the warmth and thank in heart for this comfortable house of mine.
Compared to Spiderman, I'm not as ambitious but dad, you always care for me for who I am, but not what I can do to make you proud.
Dear father, you always earn my respect and never-ending support. If I succeeded in my future, most of the reasons it's because of you and mom,both of your existence that allow me to continue walking towards my dream. I'm always proud to have inherited some of your traits, your genes, that the next time I think of you, I can always see it in myself, because you'll always be there. I'm feeling contented.
This is my father, the true hero that deserves my salutation for the entire life.
For a lot of reasons, I very much love this forgotten hero, who'll always rank first among other heroes.
May 24, 2008
May 20, 2008
37 months and still counting
It was 3 years back when I had my first entry on my blog, pmun.blogspot.com.
Blogging- such a big idea has never come to me until an old friend of mine-Mk suggested this to me. Her blog(m3yipi) is a month older than mine.At first thought,never do I think that I can be a good blogger, sharing some thought-provoking issues to my readers, or creating awareness among this small community of followers who shell out their time for every piece of my writing.
" Who am I?? I'm just a secondary school student" I thought.
This new idea had occupied my mind for some time, until I decided creating an account at blogspot,thinking of a blog name and editing the layout, they were all new things to me, in fact a long process to a computer handicapped person(hmm,*cough*). To me, every blogger holds a commitment, a commitment with own self, to create a web page of oneself and never leave it abandoned. Start with an empty space and fill everything one by one with your own colours,stories and every single thing of yourself and the people mingling around you. It is an individual thing that the only one- owner can interfere with the amendments.
" Just start from the story of my life"
Being a newcomer to the realm of blogging, I told myself this.
I started out my first entry on 20.4.05 where I scratched head to squeeze out the 55 things about me as an introduction to everyone. Come to think of it, it was quite
unnecessary since I narrowed down my readers to close friends and random visitors whom google a lot on my name. At that time, most of my entries were based on many miscellaneous things on my past and recent life.
Over the year, I made some amendments by getting out of the box, tried on Chinese blogging posts, entries enclosed with pictures, wider entry scopes, the presence of significant people and past experiences have risen my inspiration and continuing my journey as a blogger, that it slowly changes my outlook on life. What I've gone through is contributing to my posts, but looking on what I've written, I gain inspiration from my previous thoughts on certain things. I think, that's a self-development by witnessing every phase of life that I once venture into, "sweet and sour, bitter and spicy" . I'm not surprised to say that I'm growing up with my blog all these while.
I never realise the value of my entries until a few months ago, when my posts have already accumulated up to 100 plus, my inspiration fails me to continue with blogging, coming up with interesting ideas to blog on. A few silent blog readers of mine(mostly my friends) came up to me, and told me stories of how they benefited from my blog entries, and how every sentence meant to them, from there I saw my power,as a blogger, and the satisfaction I received from my supporters who leave no footprints to be tracked, but never-ending encouragement and support. I can be the heroin of anyone without acknowledgement, a heroin to a few who read through my thoughts and got something from there, a heroin to myself for my courage to speak up.Just a mere thought of it, I feel good to do what I've been doing for 3 years +, to feel the same like how the others would feel for me and my blog.
Today, is 37 months since my blog's establishment.So much had happened in this 37 months, some were like thrilling games, the impulsion came for a while,and left eventually, some were like candy,just too good to be swallowed. One thing that allows me to remain, is what I've left here that will never change. I don't need to think big for my blog, as long as I think differently. I don't need to gain popularity from beemun.blogspot.com, as long as I gain encouragement and support. I don't need to be a public heroin, as long as I'm a small helper to a few. I'm a blogger who hasn't have my mindset settled down fully, who frequent usage of emoticons on MSN, who's still multitasking while waiting for uni's life to begin, who'll be crowned as Minnie Mouse by her lovely schoolmates,who'll be treated as a 15 year-old, at most 18 "young" girl by some random passersby,but a blogger who grows up together with her fellow readers and friends,which is also a mutual relationship that best suited both of the parties.
I don't need to be anything on my blog, just myself.
And this is how I found happiness from my blog, from the moment I think of a good title,the typing process that makes me smile every time it is done.
This is happiness,simple and easy.
pmun.blogspot.com was where I began, and beemun.blogspot.com will be the point I continue to fly on with my miscellaneous life, more stories coming to tell !
A surprise to all of you, click on munmun.atlee.my and see what will happen!
Good luck!
Blogging- such a big idea has never come to me until an old friend of mine-Mk suggested this to me. Her blog(m3yipi) is a month older than mine.At first thought,never do I think that I can be a good blogger, sharing some thought-provoking issues to my readers, or creating awareness among this small community of followers who shell out their time for every piece of my writing.
" Who am I?? I'm just a secondary school student" I thought.
This new idea had occupied my mind for some time, until I decided creating an account at blogspot,thinking of a blog name and editing the layout, they were all new things to me, in fact a long process to a computer handicapped person(hmm,*cough*). To me, every blogger holds a commitment, a commitment with own self, to create a web page of oneself and never leave it abandoned. Start with an empty space and fill everything one by one with your own colours,stories and every single thing of yourself and the people mingling around you. It is an individual thing that the only one- owner can interfere with the amendments.
" Just start from the story of my life"
Being a newcomer to the realm of blogging, I told myself this.
I started out my first entry on 20.4.05 where I scratched head to squeeze out the 55 things about me as an introduction to everyone. Come to think of it, it was quite
unnecessary since I narrowed down my readers to close friends and random visitors whom google a lot on my name. At that time, most of my entries were based on many miscellaneous things on my past and recent life.
Over the year, I made some amendments by getting out of the box, tried on Chinese blogging posts, entries enclosed with pictures, wider entry scopes, the presence of significant people and past experiences have risen my inspiration and continuing my journey as a blogger, that it slowly changes my outlook on life. What I've gone through is contributing to my posts, but looking on what I've written, I gain inspiration from my previous thoughts on certain things. I think, that's a self-development by witnessing every phase of life that I once venture into, "sweet and sour, bitter and spicy" . I'm not surprised to say that I'm growing up with my blog all these while.
I never realise the value of my entries until a few months ago, when my posts have already accumulated up to 100 plus, my inspiration fails me to continue with blogging, coming up with interesting ideas to blog on. A few silent blog readers of mine(mostly my friends) came up to me, and told me stories of how they benefited from my blog entries, and how every sentence meant to them, from there I saw my power,as a blogger, and the satisfaction I received from my supporters who leave no footprints to be tracked, but never-ending encouragement and support. I can be the heroin of anyone without acknowledgement, a heroin to a few who read through my thoughts and got something from there, a heroin to myself for my courage to speak up.Just a mere thought of it, I feel good to do what I've been doing for 3 years +, to feel the same like how the others would feel for me and my blog.
Today, is 37 months since my blog's establishment.So much had happened in this 37 months, some were like thrilling games, the impulsion came for a while,and left eventually, some were like candy,just too good to be swallowed. One thing that allows me to remain, is what I've left here that will never change. I don't need to think big for my blog, as long as I think differently. I don't need to gain popularity from beemun.blogspot.com, as long as I gain encouragement and support. I don't need to be a public heroin, as long as I'm a small helper to a few. I'm a blogger who hasn't have my mindset settled down fully, who frequent usage of emoticons on MSN, who's still multitasking while waiting for uni's life to begin, who'll be crowned as Minnie Mouse by her lovely schoolmates,who'll be treated as a 15 year-old, at most 18 "young" girl by some random passersby,but a blogger who grows up together with her fellow readers and friends,which is also a mutual relationship that best suited both of the parties.
I don't need to be anything on my blog, just myself.
And this is how I found happiness from my blog, from the moment I think of a good title,the typing process that makes me smile every time it is done.
This is happiness,simple and easy.
pmun.blogspot.com was where I began, and beemun.blogspot.com will be the point I continue to fly on with my miscellaneous life, more stories coming to tell !
A surprise to all of you, click on munmun.atlee.my and see what will happen!
Good luck!
May 17, 2008
Get to know me better
1. Do you eat a lot of fast food?
Not really,at least not on weekly basis.
2. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
My cheeks, my niece always kisses me by my cheeks.
3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Definitely, the gathering with my girls later brightened my day.
4. Have you ever streaked?
5. Are you an understanding person?
I think I'm an understanding person.
6. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Iron Man, so called "坚强的男人"
7. Did you pray before you went to bed last night?
Yeap, praying very hard for some miracles to happen.
8. What did you last get upset about?
Earthquake in Si Chuan.
9. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Nope, don't favour candy that much.
10. Does it make you happy to get letters in the mail?
Yeap, I used to post letters a lot last time.
11. What are you looking forward to this summer?
A trip..trip..trip with friends.
12. Who was the last person you ate with?
My family
13. Do raisins belong in cookies?
I don't think so, more to snacks to me.
14. What's your screen name?
Pui Mun
15. Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?
The decoration as well as the attendants.
16. Are you currently taking a science class in school?
Currently not attending school, but did take sciences subjects last time.
17. You've just won a free vacation to either South America or North Korea?
South America, it sounds more welcoming to me.
18. Kiss on the first date?
For now, I don't think about dating.
19. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Chicken, especially Chicken Breast.
I don't need to waste time slicing it and pealing off the layer of fats and skin.
20. What's one thing you've learned?
To have good time management, so that I get to enjoy bits of everything.
21. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Winney and Eileen.
22. Would you ever donate blood?
Yes, when my weight allows me to do so.
23. How many snack machines are in your school?
I don't recall any but there are more beverage machines around in my college.
24. Have you ever felt replaced?
Definitely, nothing lasts forever. It's just how you think differently and take this as a matter of fact.
25. Are there deerheads covering any walls in your house?
Nope, I love clean walls with nice things as decorations.
26. Do you believe in karma?
=) To be honest, yes. What goes around comes around.
26. Have you ever been asked out?
Yeap. But I prefer outings with the comfortable bunch of people whom I'm familiar with.
27. Are you good at telling jokes?
Not really. I'm better at laughing at people's jokes.
28. Do you wish you had smaller feet?
Hmm, I'm satisfied with what I have.
29. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeap, one true friend that worth my appreciation all the time.
30. When ordering sushi, what do you get?
EH, depending on my preference of that day.
31. How many of your friends have seen you naked?
Eh, can I keep this as secret??=P
32. Do you write in cursive or in print?
In print. I like clean and tidy work.
33. What were you doing at 10 am?
Playing with my niece.
34. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
Yeap. I'm relieved that I overcame something terrible in life, and push myself to the new angle. Everything happens for a reason and I'm glad that I found the moral behind the story. =) Be tough, PM!
35. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Ribena special made by my sis. It tasted very good.
Not really,at least not on weekly basis.
2. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
My cheeks, my niece always kisses me by my cheeks.
3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Definitely, the gathering with my girls later brightened my day.
4. Have you ever streaked?
5. Are you an understanding person?
I think I'm an understanding person.
6. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Iron Man, so called "坚强的男人"
7. Did you pray before you went to bed last night?
Yeap, praying very hard for some miracles to happen.
8. What did you last get upset about?
Earthquake in Si Chuan.
9. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Nope, don't favour candy that much.
10. Does it make you happy to get letters in the mail?
Yeap, I used to post letters a lot last time.
11. What are you looking forward to this summer?
A trip..trip..trip with friends.
12. Who was the last person you ate with?
My family
13. Do raisins belong in cookies?
I don't think so, more to snacks to me.
14. What's your screen name?
Pui Mun
15. Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?
The decoration as well as the attendants.
16. Are you currently taking a science class in school?
Currently not attending school, but did take sciences subjects last time.
17. You've just won a free vacation to either South America or North Korea?
South America, it sounds more welcoming to me.
18. Kiss on the first date?
For now, I don't think about dating.
19. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Chicken, especially Chicken Breast.
I don't need to waste time slicing it and pealing off the layer of fats and skin.
20. What's one thing you've learned?
To have good time management, so that I get to enjoy bits of everything.
21. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Winney and Eileen.
22. Would you ever donate blood?
Yes, when my weight allows me to do so.
23. How many snack machines are in your school?
I don't recall any but there are more beverage machines around in my college.
24. Have you ever felt replaced?
Definitely, nothing lasts forever. It's just how you think differently and take this as a matter of fact.
25. Are there deerheads covering any walls in your house?
Nope, I love clean walls with nice things as decorations.
26. Do you believe in karma?
=) To be honest, yes. What goes around comes around.
26. Have you ever been asked out?
Yeap. But I prefer outings with the comfortable bunch of people whom I'm familiar with.
27. Are you good at telling jokes?
Not really. I'm better at laughing at people's jokes.
28. Do you wish you had smaller feet?
Hmm, I'm satisfied with what I have.
29. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeap, one true friend that worth my appreciation all the time.
30. When ordering sushi, what do you get?
EH, depending on my preference of that day.
31. How many of your friends have seen you naked?
Eh, can I keep this as secret??=P
32. Do you write in cursive or in print?
In print. I like clean and tidy work.
33. What were you doing at 10 am?
Playing with my niece.
34. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
Yeap. I'm relieved that I overcame something terrible in life, and push myself to the new angle. Everything happens for a reason and I'm glad that I found the moral behind the story. =) Be tough, PM!
35. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Ribena special made by my sis. It tasted very good.
May 14, 2008
A letter from Japan
Yesterday, I spotted something unusual on the table of living room. Moving a few steps closer, I saw a Japanese postal stamp glued on the right hand corner of the envelope.
At first thought, I assumed it was from my hostel family .

However, I was proven wrong later while I read through the sender's details.The letter was posted from Kansai, Yui's place. Yui, the Japanese youth exchange participant I served 2 years back actually sent us a letter as a token of appreciation for our hospitality throughout her entire stay.
There was one moment where I started reminiscing those good times we had with Yui while touring KL and other hot spots with her. It was really exciting as I was the daily translator between my family and Yui. My sister even teased me on my Japanese language competence whenever she sees Yui's face expression reacting to my Japanese
Much had happened the 2 weeks she was in my house. I'm touched to the fact that she remembers this experience and politely claims that it was one of her best times in life. She had her first time traveling overseas and I had my first time making a Japanese friend, a mutual connection we have for each other.
Ahhh... seems like my wish list has been added with one more desire, I'm gonna save more money in future to tour around for my distant friends. Japan, is still one of my favourite countries, and Japanese, is the community I'm impressed on its culture's diversity,let alone the vibrance of the city.
Friendship can be bonded as pure and simple like this. We don't stay with each other regularly, but it's the path we once went through that steal our emotions for every of our reminiscent on them.
Thank you for your letter, Yui !
At first thought, I assumed it was from my hostel family .
However, I was proven wrong later while I read through the sender's details.The letter was posted from Kansai, Yui's place. Yui, the Japanese youth exchange participant I served 2 years back actually sent us a letter as a token of appreciation for our hospitality throughout her entire stay.
There was one moment where I started reminiscing those good times we had with Yui while touring KL and other hot spots with her. It was really exciting as I was the daily translator between my family and Yui. My sister even teased me on my Japanese language competence whenever she sees Yui's face expression reacting to my Japanese
Much had happened the 2 weeks she was in my house. I'm touched to the fact that she remembers this experience and politely claims that it was one of her best times in life. She had her first time traveling overseas and I had my first time making a Japanese friend, a mutual connection we have for each other.
Ahhh... seems like my wish list has been added with one more desire, I'm gonna save more money in future to tour around for my distant friends. Japan, is still one of my favourite countries, and Japanese, is the community I'm impressed on its culture's diversity,let alone the vibrance of the city.
Friendship can be bonded as pure and simple like this. We don't stay with each other regularly, but it's the path we once went through that steal our emotions for every of our reminiscent on them.
Thank you for your letter, Yui !
May 05, 2008
Too Thin??
A few of my friends have been showing their concern on me of my weight. They feel that my weight has been dropping since these few months, without my acknowledgment. I suppose that's just an outcome of my recent hectic lifestyle.However, one thing I must tell all of you, normal meal plan is still carrying out, maybe just a change in timing while I'm at work due to the change in break time, but I'm still living healthily while everything runs on the right track.
=) I'm very fine here, not suffering from any major problems. Maybe I should say, I've found my way of living during this long break, enabling myself to design a desired lifestyle for myself when I'm away of books.
Tee hee hee, so don't enlarge so much on my weight! It's just a proof of my endeavors.
Once in a while, I'll still have a nice dessert to reward myself.

KTZ's Strawberry Lou
=) I'm very fine here, not suffering from any major problems. Maybe I should say, I've found my way of living during this long break, enabling myself to design a desired lifestyle for myself when I'm away of books.
Tee hee hee, so don't enlarge so much on my weight! It's just a proof of my endeavors.
Once in a while, I'll still have a nice dessert to reward myself.
KTZ's Strawberry Lou
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