A few of my friends have been showing their concern on me of my weight. They feel that my weight has been dropping since these few months, without my acknowledgment. I suppose that's just an outcome of my recent hectic lifestyle.However, one thing I must tell all of you, normal meal plan is still carrying out, maybe just a change in timing while I'm at work due to the change in break time, but I'm still living healthily while everything runs on the right track.
=) I'm very fine here, not suffering from any major problems. Maybe I should say, I've found my way of living during this long break, enabling myself to design a desired lifestyle for myself when I'm away of books.
Tee hee hee, so don't enlarge so much on my weight! It's just a proof of my endeavors.
Once in a while, I'll still have a nice dessert to reward myself.

KTZ's Strawberry Lou
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