=) I'm going to Singapore tomorrow for my first christmas there,hope it will be an enjoyable trip.=) nevertheless,I'll capture more photos to put it up here if possible.I promise for a longer post after Christmas,so just be patient a bit and wait for me.=)Hakuna matata,have a nice day!!
December 24, 2005
Happy Christmas!!
=) I'm going to Singapore tomorrow for my first christmas there,hope it will be an enjoyable trip.=) nevertheless,I'll capture more photos to put it up here if possible.I promise for a longer post after Christmas,so just be patient a bit and wait for me.=)Hakuna matata,have a nice day!!
December 21, 2005
Back to the topic,I've received some invitations from my peeps,from hanging out to party.I really thought that my Christmas is going to be devided to all these.However,ended up I'm declinining them one by one,because at the very last minute,I will follow my family to Singapore.Maybe it will be another different experience,though Singapore is so near,yet so far.I'm celebrating christmas in Sg for the first time.Feeling a bit down,hope the Santa Claus is going to lift up my holly spirit again,perhaps the decorative christmas tree will do.I will stay there for a few days,so my christmas presents just have to be delayed,tee hee hee,don't mind if it's handed up late on your hand.Always save the best for last,isn't it!!Christmas is one of my favourite festivals,maybe I'm influenced by the childhood scene of santa in red,sending gifts everywhere,or maybe the beautiful christmas tree.I just like it!!My ideal Christmas will always be a White Christmas,very simple,that's because I like Winter.White christmas is rather romantic,I think it comes best with the presence of snow.I wish I could stand under the tree,on top of the snow .Some day......Some day....This is what I've promised myself!!
And I somehow agree with Mk's point,and I believe in Santa.Everyone has a Santa in their heart,never notice that they are the one.Believe it,maybe it's just by your side,it doesn't have to fulfill every of your demand,it also includes healing your precious soul.And I really need a Santa for the moment!!Wish everyone will find their Santa's,it can also be a person in real,that's the best Santa,isn't it!!Na,you gave me this idea,mk!!haha,wishlist is going to be posted soon!!Atleast let me tell out what I wish to have..though I would not have it!!It's also a happiness to share..
December 05, 2005
Firstly,I woke up at 9.30 a.m and started to dress up.All of us had picked the dress to wear just a day before,even matched it with nice shoes.After getting ready ,we went to the studio at 10.30a.m.It was exactly the same place which my sister had her wedding photos taken.We reached there at 11.00a.m.Unfortunately,we were too early for it,so we waited til 11.30a.m.And the people in charge came.A total of 6 of us,women+ladies,xD haha,all crowded in the second floor where they had a place for preparations before the photo session.Then we started the make-up session.A total of 6 of us(included both family sides of the bride and groom).The 2nd floor was crowded with a bunch of ladies and women all in a sudden,and it took 2 and 1/2 hour in order to finish with that.I was the last to do the make-up,so I waited the longest!!=)Luckily to have the I-pod with me.
The photoshoot started at about 1.30 p.m.Looking at my family members,all dressed up appropriately,no,it was BEAUTIFULLY...hahaha,I had a very starnge feeling.But I'm still going to see this on the exact day of my sis's wedding.Then the photographer thought us some poses to pose..and we actually just followed his instruction!!Smile was the only thing I needed to do!!
The colourful background everyone sees was nothing but just a big cloth they hung it up there.In fact,there were a few different colours backgrounds there,they just need to roll the cloth up to change one.First,we took a big family photos of the bride's and groom's side.Later on,we started to have pictures of my family as well as my siblings and I.We took about 10 shoots then everything was done.But it was already 3 for the 10 shoots.I felt myself so precious suddenly,hahahah!!We left the studio finally,and went to the restaurant opposite to have our lunch,yes,with our make up on our face.
Around 4 p.m,we went back to the studio to select the photos to be developed into large photos and framed.=D Hahaa,and we just actually simply picked 4 nice one.Hmm..thought it might be hang in my house for the next 10 years,but my sleepiness has inhibited me to think much about it.I slept in the car,and quickly take off my high heels the first moment I got up to the car...then...zzzzzzzz until we got home!!
I think it's a special experience because it's a rare chance our family can gather together and have this photo session.I know my mom purposely had this so that it can be kept as a memory forever.Especially after jie's marriage,they will be only 4 of us left.And we will soon be seperated for our own new lives to lead.and 2 days later,the CHONG's family,the scene of 6 of us will only remain as a memory.....because..........I have a jiefu now.And the Chong's family has expanded to 7 members,haha,though Pluto should be counted as one too!!! so 8 members,and soon it is going to be nine.=) We are a happy family,we always are.And i think those who have large family members should really take the oppurtunity to have atleast a photo session of the family once in life.It's very different from what you have taken usually.And you will never forget the day,a precious memory!!
November 27, 2005
My First Job
I've only worked for three days actually,today is the fourth and my job is only on weekends,so I thought it will be relaxing.For a time like now,I've no way to accept the 5 day job since there is already a job specially "reserved" for me at home,haha,yea,I've to help my mom to do the housework on weekdays.=) But that's just my pessimistic way of thinking,haha,until the first day I relly stepped into the GIANT which I'm going to work in and went through all the strange process..hmm,I knew it isn't easy anymore.I've to enter from a special entrance for staff,punch the card,get my tag and many other things to imply.
Lucky for me,so far I've not met any of my enemies,neither friends.It's a fast training for me and now that I've managed some skills of selling ice-cream,as well as scooping ice-cream in few secondsxD,my hands are functioning throughout the day,so do my legs.The job which I've been given isn't very hard,even an 10 year old kid manages to do it well,haha,it's just a matter of patience and mood.You just have to gum the permanent smile on your face because no one will even dare to come to you if you don't smile.xD And of course,you have to control your tanthrum because many kids will chase after you just for a cup of sample.YES,a small cup of sample.And these are some conversations and situations you will often come to..
ME:Hi,Sir,would you like to try on our new flavours?
SIR:(smiling and just passes by)
ME:We are having promotion for our ice-cream now.And you can have a try on our ice-cream,WE HAVE SAMPLE,YOU CAN TRY!!
SIR:Oh...boleh makan free e!!(calling all his kids to come and "try")amal,ali,alan,cepat mari,boleh ambil ice-cream ini dan makan,ini ialah free punya.
ME:(I don't even get a chance to promote because I'm just busy scooping ice-cream) and that is what he brings to me...more work!!
SIR:hmm,sedaplah ice-cream ini.Boleh ambil satu lagi?
ME:Boleh sir.
SIR:Memang sedap.Ok,terima kasih ya.and just goes off with his bunch of kids....
There are also many of them giving lame excuses just to escape from buying our ice-cream.xD Some of them purposely turn to another direction to miss our counter.xDLooking
at them doing all these ,I feel funny but I can't help it since he rejects us far far away,showing the "no no,please do not come to me" kind of face.=) On the other hand,there are also some of them who are always supportive and kind,atleast they are willing to just stop by a few minutes and listen to us.Sometimes it's just not a matter of selling ice-cream,but the interaction between the customer and I does matter as well.I just feel like knowing their demands so that I can improve my selling skill and tend to tackle different types of customers.Generally,it's a tiring job,but I truly believe that there's not easy money,every cent comes with effort made.Through this job,I do understand more of people's mentally and phsycology changes
,how they think and choose.The most suprising part is that Val and I received a compliment letter from a customer,praising on our service.Professional??still a long way to go...I know I have rooms to improve...
friendly..maybe yes but why do most of the kids afraid of me?*scratching my heads*
charming..haha,no kidding!!how can a dumbo suddenly becomes charming?
But I do work hard and trying to make more sales....it's an achienvement of mine if I can reach my target,not their target.Besides, I also get to know some friends there,haha,we're having this system barter with other promoters in GIANT...!!=) exchanging our products and have "special"
sample for us.We have "uncle","gong gong","emma" there,haha,many other funny names we named them.It's not a bad experience,though it's a bit tiring,and I'm still going to work for a few more weeks maybe,=) making my weekends to the fullest,and now I suppose I'm going to work on next year,when the SPM ends,maybe another type of job.WHo knows...I'm just thinking!!tee-hee-hee
November 22, 2005
1.I have started working last week.It's a promoter job and I only work on weekends for about 4-5 weeks.=) Overall it was good.Though it was a bit tiring,I got to encounter different types of people....this is MALAYSIAN.With the mixture of friendly and good.On the other hand,there will also be some antagonis ,that's for sure.
2.My new maid came and just went back after working for 5 days.And the reason is she refused to work for us anymore.The worst thing was when she looked at me doing all the household choirs when she was the one who was supposed to do so...and me,yea,I'm now a maid in the house now.=)
3.My sister's wedding is just three weeks from now,so my house is in a total mess now,my room is such a glory-room with things here and there and EVERYWHERE.We are all busy preparing while helping for the housework happily.=) It's a total different feeling compared to last year...and we are now waititing for that day to come...=) 1211
4.My modem spoilt a few weeks ago.And I being a dumbo thought that something was wrong with the network connection regardless whether it's the problem of my modem.So we called the service centre for 3 times and....finally I got some response there.And the problem was actually......my-modem-was-spoilt....hmmmm!!!sorry
5.I watched Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire last friday with my sis and her friends.Hmm...comments are to be waited.Generally the effect was nicer and the story is going deeper and deeper.I saw some audiences coming out from the cinema with blur heads...haha,so it's always better to know some storylines or synopsis before entering the cinema for movie as such.I still prefer the previous series.
Generally that's what happened.=) And I feel better now,thank you for all the peeps out there.=) Haha,if you really want to lend me a hand,come to my house and help me with all the work there..I'm getting mad with all that.
November 03, 2005
I fell,I learn,I gain and I recover
Thanks for reading,that just shows how much you care for me.I'm just not feeling good today...forget about this rubbish!!
October 30, 2005
~Happy Birthday to Er Jie~
October 28, 2005
Meaningful Day with New experiences
These past few days have really been some meaningful days with several new experiences to be shared.On Tuesday,as usual I went to school,but feeling unusually and nerves shattering as I knew I was about to dissect a frog.Not dissect in fact,I was just going to watch my classmates dissecting it and seeing the whole process.Hmm,I was terrified when I was told to do so but somehow it was the only chance in my life to have seen dissection of a frog I believe.Finally,I still entered the bio lab but with concious brain to ensure I'm the first to escape if the frogs were to jump off from the box.Three frogs were sacrificed to carry out such an experiment,pityful but perhaps it was a better for its death than being eaten by someone else.One of the frogs jumped out from the box to the floor,and the always experienced teacher,Mrs.Mary used a broom and chlorofoam to tackle it.It was only a 20 minute experiment but it took us 30 minutes to settle down with the frog....haha!!The entire process was just funny and often burst with screaming and shouting voice.I saw many curious eyes watching from windows of all sides,up,down,left to the right,even the teachers came out from their classes just to watch our frog-catching silly act.
When we managed to catch the frog and put it into a plastic bag,then the dissection started.Before that,we were given a brief explaination on the proper way of dissecting a frog."respect the creature"Here's a pic I got it from my classmate's blog,amirah.Just to let you know how's it look like.A huge thank you to amirah.I wasn't sure how was the frog ended up in,rubbish bin? or better,burried?..hmm...
A visit to spastic center
I just visited it on Wednesday,and I really think that this year is my charity year since it's the year I went to all the charitible homes from orphanage to old folks home.The spastic center is located in P.J,somewhere near BB school.It's a school where most of the spastics get the oppurtunity to study or learn some living skills for life.It was a nice day,peaceful and nice.And now that it has deepen my understanding on spastic and so does the spastic center.They are lurking and craving for our love and help...which we always neglect,same do I!!I'm just being not kind enough to care for them.Maybe I should do something to contribute,social work?Maybe...
Learning moral is not a bad thing sometimes.es,when you really get the chance to encounter with different dilemmas and situations in life.It really inspires you ...even if it doesn't,you still earn a whole new experience to
October 24, 2005
A way to know yourself better!!
When I am a candy,I am
Snickers |
When I'm a pizza,I am
Pesto Pizza |
I just dislike the colour...hmmm!!
When I'm a colour,I am
Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
This is not bad,compared to the pesto.
October 21, 2005
Rainy day in mourning
Nothing is guaranteed in life,but she still persevered her tough path until the last breathe she could hardly breath.I do not know her,but I still appreciate her as a wife of a big man,as a mother of a few kids.as a loving woman with so many contributions to the society.Thinking opstimisticly,perhaps this is a liberation of her from her pain..maybe!!No matter what,all things happened is something can't be changed...stand up,and it's another day.That was what I told myself 8 years ago...it was the same feeling,just different person!!
October 18, 2005
Some cool stuffs
Disney Cellphone
In conjuction with the opening of the Hong Kong disney,they actually released a limited edition Disney cellphone with Disney's logo printed on the cover of the phone.=) Haha,I suppose it has received an immense population as Disney is always favourites of people from all walks of life and from all ages.So far,I've not seen one in real life.=D Haha,hoping to see it.I've no idea how much does it cost but definitely not a cheap one as it's a limited edition phone.
Apple Computer
This is one of the latest product of Apple company.Looking for a transparent laptop???It's no longer a dream as Apple has released a high-tech laptop with transparent screen.Unbelievable??this is the brilliant invention of humans....*grins*.Cool huh?But what wonders me the most is how are they going to see the screen?Perhaps they'll see the plant in front,isn't it??hmmm...
Newest Mini Car
Does it look cute?I think this is a compressed car.It's short and mini to overcome the difficulty in parking especially in city.Haha,I thought it was a mini toy car at first,then I realised that it's really a car.
Egg Pod
Yes,you read the right title.Don't think only Ipod existed in the market,haha,there is actually an Egg Pod too.I've no idea how massive is the size but definitely its selling point is just the size...inconvenient to bring it out though.
There are many more creative inventions waiting to be posted.=) I shall blog about it in someday later.Hakuna matata!!with creativity,you can come out with more special ideas too e.Agree?
October 17, 2005
Special thanks to
My mind was totally blanked when I entered mK's room.I knew things weren't right when I saw a dark room with cL giggling in the room.xDI was very happy with what you all have done for me,speechless for quite some time but I felt warm and touched deep down inside.=) All of you pampered me and showered me with so much of happiness in my life...my life is full of suprises and happiness with all of your presence in my life.I'm thankful and happy to have you all to be my friends,really.Thanks for the Tiramisu cake,the present and everything.Thanks to cl for planning everything,thanks to mK for lending your house actuallyxD for the suprise party and thanks to everyone present on that day.THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Secondary buddy:Val,Win,El
Thanks eL for the early wish.In fact,she was the earliest to sms in the midnight haha...right after 12.I knew you were tired after spending a whole long day in KLCC.=)haha,I understand but thanks still!!xDnevertheless,val and win for giving me a peaceful sweet sixteen,haha.I can still remember last year.....what a "great" day!!haha.thanks anyway!!You know deep down inside I still think that you all are great dudes.
Hsu Yan,Chia Ching,Chui Man,Jolene,Hai Yuen,Adele
Although I did wonder for sometime,still thanks a lot for your wishes and smses that kept my phone rang whole day long.=) How did all of you actually know it?But it doesn't matter,because now I knew that you girls actually know it although I've not mentioned it before.=) Sweet friends you all are,thanks a lot~~
MTF:Beats and Lei Shen and all MTF's
A million times of thank you to all of you,especially Beats and Lei shen.Both of you are somehow the very first few I've known in the club and eventually became closed friends.I do hope to hear from both of you soon and do keep in touch always.It's just rare to have an oppurtunity to meet up with you all.=) I appreciate those times though.Cheer up,beats.And all the best to lei shen in everything.
FuI pIn:
Thanks for being such a sweet friend and made me a birthday cake.xD It just so happened that my birthday was when you gave me the cake.xD I really love it,my chocolate cake.yummy!!=) I promise to make you one if I could!!Thanks ya.
mY family:
It's always a good time when it's time to be spent with you all.Everyday we spend together it's the present I get every year.The happy moments are just something can't be retraced and bought.I treat it as a great gift from god and I don't hope any presents from you all because you all are already presents to me.And my lovely pluto.I just wish that you all stay healthy always.
It's always the time where you know how many people actually care for you during the special occasions.Now I know ..I really know!I'm thankful to have everyone of you and always be there for who you are.It doesn't need to be a special gift,a bombastic party or even a lovely partner,but you,you and you.With all of your presence here,I can be happy at all times.For those names who are not mentioned here,it does not mean that you're not special enough to be fitted in in the list,there are just too much to be listed down if I were to list it down completely.=) You know who you are and you know,Pui Mun,here will always thank you for what you have done for me.A million times of thank will not be enough for me to repay it...thanks!!
October 12, 2005
Things are just going wrongly!!
Life in school is just pretty bored and dull,sitting in class and playing uno cards everyday.And each game lasts for atleast half hour.Besides playing games,I've no idea what to do.Teachers are rustling in and out.giving papers and then discuss it.But this life will not stay long because I'll do something about it,hehe t_ _ _ _ t!!Probably after next week I'll start that.
El's celebrating birthday with her biscuit,here I would like to wish him a very happy birthday although I do not know him much.It's not wrong to wish someone.Have a nice day though!!xD In fact,I've known all their plannings,nyeknyek!!I won't ruin it of course.Bless!!I'll consider about the christmas party.
Right for I'm watching Gokusenごくせん,赤西仁Jin is in the show.xDJin is my favourite actor,he's a japanese.
A very cute guy. The only guy on my blog is the one-Akanishi Jin.xDI just had my last BM class just now with cL,hmm!!She finally went to the Mayday's promotion tour for their coming concert.xD I felt happy for her as I know she's being a huge and die-hard fan of Mayday since the day I knew her.She's still the same....doesn't change much!!
Recently I've encountered something which has not happened in my entire life before,I mean just from the moment I got to know what's love.Hmm,but everything is settled now,and I'm glad that it's over,though I've no idea what did they actually do to solve it.Special thanks to winney,el and val.Thanks a lot XD!Without you all I wouldn't have overcome the fear.Now that I'm saved.It's just not the time for me to do anything with love,ANYTHING!!Just wrong when I do not even know how to take care of myself in a proper way and manage my studies and occupy my time with so many things.Sorry to the one...Hope all of you will understand that I need you all the most!Than anyone else. For now,I know what should I do and don't,so please let me be the way I'm and lead the life I have now.
October 10, 2005
My soul is back!!
For those who wish me birthday before the exact day,I would like to thank all of you for that.That means a lot to me...it's just something sweet to have people wish you for the very special day.Arigato...=DI owe many of you a date as well,haha~~I'll repay it during the holidays.esp to primary buddy and secondory peeps!!=D
I actually have had many to say but I'll leave it one by one.Firstly it would be my sister's wedding photo...=)I had seen it last week,it was just so sweet.I had a very special feeling,I've been so used to seeing other brides and grooms appear in the wedding photo,holding hands together,changing many many costumes.But it's just one of my highlights in life when it happens to my family...the first one I've encoutered in my family,and she's the one who has been sleeping beside me for 10 over years.I felt warm and touched seeing that photos,it was a real good feeling.I know she's leaving me soon to begin another new life,maybe I should be more optimistic,because I know everything in her new life will be good.And I'll still be here,wishing her the very best and every success in her life.
Few days ago I managed to enter my sis's blog.She wouldn't have allow me to read there if she sees me reading it ....But I read it when she was away.And I was shocked to see one of her blogs saying that she's lonely...I fell into a deep thought,is she really lonely?The always cheerful and friendly Sam-J is lonely?I consider her as my best confidant because she understands me the most,even better than my parents I suppose.She knows me the best...but somehow we just seldom share our problems together.We decided to keep it...and just keep it!!Did I actually neglect her for all these years...did I not show my care to her?I didn't want her to be lonely but I know she is....her best friend is away,studying overseas,her bf...I didn't know much about it but in my opinion it's a safe and close relationship.I didn't want her to be lonely...seriously!!I hope she reads this....
October 07, 2005
Wait til I be back again~~
ALL THE BEST~~~~~~~~~~
September 19, 2005
Besides the MI grand finale,my finals are also coming.As though I'm actually running at the same pace but different path with everyone of you here,who's also heading to your very own finals in school.Well,mine is on next week and I actually have already started since last week.There'll never be an end for exams,same to all the revisions which I've gone through.It's just not enough for me to excel in this exams.Luck again,wish everyone of you here will not have a problem as mine and leave the class peacefully ,calm and gratefuly.God knows how's my feeling after everything is settled...the peacefulness and happiness in me...the secret between God and myself.
I celebrated mooncake festival with my family yesterday.It was just at the small compound of my house.A very small gathering which we seldom had these past few years,but a very happy one because everyone was there.Just because everyone was there,Dad&Mom,Sisters and my forever lovely puppy,I felt warm and happy.I'm blessed to have lived with them for 16 years,and they made the one I am today.=) we hung lanters together,we played fireworks together,we took pictures together,we ate mooncake and pamelo together,how many we have I mentioned?And we watched the MI result show together....it was a calm and happy night,although I coudn't see the full moon on that night,but I already had a full moon right in the bottom of my heart.Forever full....
Finally eL is blogging again,very good for her.Hope she'll blog more often actually,it's another quiet her when she blogs,things that she will not say by her mouth at school,when we're all together.I tend to understand another part of her,another eL.go peeps...all luck for you and him as well,really hope to see both of you turn up to be a lovely couple forever.I dislike seeing seperation,especially those who change their partners like changing their clothes,it's as easy as that in their eyes,their hearts.I've no idea what they think,fun??But I know I'll never do that,I even asked eL a weird question,how would you react when one day I told you that I actually have a partner?Suprised?..she said she wouldn't...maybe I'm the one to be suprised.All these years I'm just too used being alone,only care for my friends and family,concentrate on my studies,hanging out with them....until I'm spending time with myself.I'm too used to it and I don't tend to change it for now,maybe it's not the right time,maybe the right person has not appeared yet.Those in the dreams will always remain in dreams,even if they exist in reality,I'll be to slow to have known them.I like myself...just like how I enjoy my life,sharing their experiences together,I gained a lot,a lot a lot from them.=)Life has taught me really really a lot,and I truly believe that I'll never have a same life as such ever.Life is lessons....a mixture of joyful and painful moments.Life has taught me a lot...really a lot....everyone I encounter in my life,everything that I've gone through...It's happy,yet painful!!
September 07, 2005
Faded papers
*Standard five chinese exam...whoa!xD This must be a very great memory because I hardly get this mark anymore.hmm..93!!!Nowonder my mom signed on it.
* This is also not a so bad one.My english was extremely bad when I was young,despite it has not much changes now.It was that bad that I couldn't understand the question and pictures given,imagine it?Someone laughed at my poor essay before,and I was actually quite hurt. Still way way to improve...much more to learn~~I know I work hard,and I know I'll get it one day!!
hehe,84 wasn't that bad,isn't it??
*This is the science subject.Remember this,because I never got an A in school exams after this.
It was a curse??......maybe.But maybe that was more to a prediction in future because all my sciences subject are way way down now...especially for Bio.
I still remember when I was 11,I was in the second good class,and my maths teacher,teacher "zhang li li" always scolded me for that.Wrong culcalations,wrong methods used,wrong this and wrong that.And she was the teacher advisor of the maths club.....it was my "luck" to have met her.I almost got the rotans for every class.
*hmm,di fang yan jiu,it's similar to history,you just need to spend a couple of hours and an A can be scored.Being in a good class,I'll never be the highest.Eventhough it is a 54,but there'll be people in front who get higher.
* Moral.Moral is another happy subject.xD Everyone will be chit-chatting and relaxing right before the moral test.Of course,that's only for people who are "bermoral" can do that,kaka!!!Basically the whole paper was about true/false,fill in the blanks,matching and objective questions.
Kaka,besides the good ones,there'll always be the bad ones....Now you know
*Deng deng deng deng,BM.I only got 64 for this.As what you can see,many grammar and spelling errors there.My standard 6 BM teacher was Cikgu Maknizam(something like that).He was a very great but strict teacher.I used to go to his tuition and that's when I got to know another side of him,a humourous person.He's still strict and fierce but he can be good at times.
At that time,an A is meant for those who scored 80 and above,so 64 was kind of low,very low in class...xDI laughed when I read this again...The lowest marks I got was when I was n standard 2,40+++ i think.
*eNglish,as I told you,it was my luck to score 84 in the previous paper.I got 77 when everyone was proudly showing their marks to the others,I decided to keep mine quietly.I think I got lower than this for numerous times.
*lastly science,just told you,I never got an A after the curse.This was only on of it,there were still maybe of these,similar marks.
There are still some papers,these are just some of them.I enjoy flipping through all these exams paper again.Although there are already faded by time,the memory in heart will never change.It's just the same feeling as though I'm going back to the oldern days again....a very nice feeling~That's also where I can laugh when I got 60,50 marks,which is so not me....Hmm,undeniable that primary time is always good.Good to be remembered,great to be kept in heart,best if it lasts forever.
September 03, 2005
My Blue Soul
Your soul is BLUE.
Traits: You are an inteligent, sensible, down-to
earth person. People seek your advice, they
rely on your help blindly. They appreciate your
sensitivity and kindness and generosity as only
a friend can do.
Qualities: The dreamy look that comes over your
face when an original idea forms in your mind;
those who manage to catch that expression wish
to know what you might be thinking at the
Warning: People may try to exploit you for your
good advice and inteligence; be careful of how
much you decide to give without taking in
Love: The guy who watches you, only to look away;
the guy who seems to look down on you
condescendingly, calling you those subtly
annoying names; the one who stares at you
shamelessly when he thinks you aren't
Lucky: The number 4, the colour maroon, the stone
sapphire, the PINK soul.
This picture is just beautiful,it looks like a heaven to me,can I ever reach there once in my life?I wonder...
I love my blue soul,it looks simple and always comfortable,peaceful and calm.It makes up another simple,peaceful and calm me.
August 30, 2005
National day
Well,I promised to blog about the piano exam which I had last thursday.Miracle did not happen as I did not do it well.I made some mistakes as usual,and hesitated for such a long period before my mouth could come out with any answers.The examiner was an old man,he looked kind but I've no idea what was he going to write on the paper.Every single word he wrote might change my life.
Pieces were okay,atleast I feel so.Sight reading was still okay,but the worst was the aural test and sight-singing.I missed out some notes and all my rhythms were out.Nevermind,just to get an experience,I told myself.Everyone will make a mistake,not all of us are talented pianist,I'm definitely out from the those talented ones.=) Just hope that I'll pass my exam...bless!!
Then I finally watched one of the movies I've chosen to watch.It was last Saturday,when I hang out with mK and we watched
I actually wanted to watch this since the beginning of the year.It was a very popular movie and received good comment in Japan last year.It isn't a high budget movie,no celebreties starring in the movie.You may think,why do you watch it then?Well,it's a love story.The storyline is actually very simple,but the way they filmed was great.It touches you from the bottom of your heart,as though you were in every scene and watching everything happened.I believe that everyone has somehow a very unforgettable people in their heart.No matter what happens,how many crush you've met,how many kisses you've given,how many romantic things you've done with another,there someone just can't help you from forgetting the very first person you've met。THE VERY FIRST!!That's your first love,and maybe not everything but you remember most of the things you've done with him.That's the first time you give promise to another,the first time you receive a gift from him,the first time he says hi to you,the first time both of you hang out together......You can sure remember some of these sweet moments.Maybe the ending is not a good one,and both of you did not end up together,and all these are the only things he could have given you.=) Keep all these,because it's still your first love.If you are lucky,he may be the first and the last in your life.It's not an experience,but it's an everlasting memory.So go watch it on your own,maybe it inspires you in another way.
I had my last revision japanese class on Sunday.Simon-san did not turn up.Our class only had 9 people.xD It was all as usual,until 12 p.m.He started to tell and share his experience in watching animation.It's not my favourite because I seldom watch it....more on jap dramas.However,that's one which he mentioned attracted me.I want to watch "tenku no shiro laputa" o r something like that,in chinese it's "tian kong zhi cheng".It's a 'gong qi jun' film.
Maybe this name seems a bit strange to you all,but he's a very influencing and great producer in Japan.He has produced a lot of great anime and cartoons."qian yu qian xun" is one of them.His latest is "ha er yi dong cheng bao".=)
Lastly,I'm here to wish all of you Happy National Day.xD Don't hope that I'll say something which is so patriotic,it's good enough if I don't criticize and still respect "negaraku".There'll always be a limit there.Anyway,happy holidays and happy birthday,malaysia.My country....
August 24, 2005
The day!!!!
Piano Exam.....
I'm coming......
August 21, 2005
Outing 1
Just when I reched there and entered the first shop of the day,my sis heard a familiar voice and she asked me whether any singers are having any functions .I just couldn't bother to think so I just answered NO!!Then when we went outside to see who was actually that person on stage......GOSH!!!!It was someone I never thought of seeing him again today!!I SAW VICK!!It was so suprising that i couldn't react shortly....looking at him and thinking!!!His hairstyle has changed.xD And he sang a song,forgot what's the name of that song.But it doesn't matter,I was happy enough to have met him shortly again.It was one year ago when I last met him.xDI feel extremely lucky and suprised,and happy!But stupid me didn't take a photo with him or even take his autograph.He was standing there doing nothing but i didn't dare to go ....hmm!And I missed it,urgh,so not going to miss again NEXT TIME.I promised,I'll punch myself 10 times if i ever missed it again.vick jia you!!
Then we went to have our lunch.It was this Robert Harris cafe.My sis recommmended this set lunch for 2 there and I trusted her.so,we went in.Then we ordered this set lunch which she told me just now.and the first dish came.It was the TOMATO SOUP....oooo!!!Gosh!The tomato soup was so thick with the smell of tomato for sure.We didn't like it.Then the ice lemon tea came.It's always my favourite drink to order when I hang out despite the flavours differ at different restaurants.I was so happy waiting for the ice lemon tea to save my stomach from getting tortured by the tomato soup.Then the worst thing started....
I thought I was drinking mineral water when I first drank it.mineral wated in brownish colour.....plus some ices.I think needn't I to describe much because that's still not the worst.Then the spaghetti and sausage+marsh potatoes came.........speechless!Started to regret listening to my sis.she even regretted on her own.I know it's not her fault because what we had was different with what she had eaten last time.Maybe that rm35 was just about sitting in a nice environment and nice leather seats.xDJUst to advice u people not to order the same food again.
Later on we went round and round,Nose,Island shop,Radioactive......until SPEEDY and lastly Movie Target.I saw ANEGO at the price of RM39.90.But somehow I didn't buy it due to some reasons.haih,feel sad!!!I also saw Full House Ost and vcd set.=) Didn't buy also!!Haih,maybe I'll buy it some other day.How would life be if I couldn't even use my own money to buy my favourite stuffs.That's the purpose for me to save money so hard la!!
Then we went home..it was not a very pleasant day.But I'm still happy to meet vick and maybe that's the only happiest thing in the day.haih..........
August 20, 2005
My favourite time has come!!!
1.Unfortunately I've piano exam right after my school test,so it's still continuing,not ended yet!=) probably I'll spend a lot of time practising and brush up,I want to PASS NOT FAIL!!It's on the coming thursday,25/8,people please pray for me!!Bless!!xD You all are not going to live great without a happy me!Kaka,kidding,but I'll try my best as usual!!
2.Nah,another thing I'll always do whenever there's a holiday is spending some time with my peeps,maybe a day out or just a small gathering.Whoa,that's the happiest thing when I meet them.=)Words just can't describe my feelings....and I'm seeking for the outings soon.
Only meant for best friends,those backstabbers,get a life!I'll be happy enough if I don't see you during holidays!=)
Mk,Cl,pY,Ck,I'll be RUNNING towards you all just like the tigger on top!!xD Give me a call when you girls are free!=)
3.Japanese Class
My revision class is going to end on next Sunday,=) I really want to thank to the teacher,I think he's even better than my previous one.And also all the classmates as well,although I'm the youngest in the class but you all still treat me good and friendly.Hope to be in the same class with you on the next level.=)
4.Dramas and movies time
This is also my only time to have spent time to watch a few dramas as well as movies.I don't step into the cinema during schooldays...haha!Serious!!My last cinema watching movie was MADAGASCAR which was few months ago.
This time I've chosen
It's a japanese drama about the relationship between a young guy and an elder woman.How one loves another and neglect the aging problem.
2.Zai Shi Jie De Zhong Xin Hu Huan Ai
There are both drama and movie version,but I hope to watch both if possible.It's a love story where about the first love of a guy and a girl...haha,needn't me to tell much,watch it if you're interested.
You can already get some hints from the title,it's all about CHOCLATES and a bit fantasy!!!=)Haha,I think I'm more interested on the choclate factory than anything else!!Someone told me to buy some choclate bars before entering the cinema to make the show a better one to watch.So that I won't die of wanting the choclates when watching....
Basically these are the few ones which interest me the most.I think there should be more than these.But I think I'll watch all these FIRST.
5.Daily schedule
As usual,tuitions and all classes are still one despite the one-week break.So Some of my time will be spent by attending all these.*Sigh* Tiring life
These are some main things which I'm going to do.Haha,shall blog about it when I've completed all of these.....I think I'll have more picture on my blog after this.My blog is too wordy...lack of pictures!!!xD Peeps,don't mind to put your pretty faces on my blog??kaka
6.Sleeping+ Shopping
I couldn't believe that I've not been out for a month.SInce the mega sale has started....I've never been out before!!Whoaa,it's not late for me to realise this.Because I'll have enough time to shop til I drop and sleep til my backbones are cracked.xD I've not shopped for new clothes ,so I think I'm going to buy some new clothes,accesories and skirts maybe.=)Have a new look with new clothes.And I wanted to buy a few cds too.=) Maybe JJ's one,jesse mcCartney or the others.=) Or maybe a set of full house vcd....=)
That's all for now!!!Have fun during the holidays,HAkUNA MATATA!!
August 10, 2005
Terrible Haze
Not only the haze,we are also having difficulities in water storage,the water is going to finish soon if the haze doesn't go away.Then we will really be in trouble,in 15-20days the big trouble will come....and I pray and pray this will never happen to us.SAVE NOW ,don't waste water ,we don't want "kemarau".Bless!!
Last week I went for a duty (PBSM) at S.K Taman Sea.A bunch of kids were there to have a carnival.We didn't have much duties to do actually,but I feel guilty because instead of helping the others,seems like we are more enjoying,eating,chit-chatting and drinking.Throughout the 6-7 hours,we only used 3 plasters,hahaxD!That was a good thing,less people injure.But I'm happy to have involved in the duty,because I was given an oppurtunity to =) gain more experience since I've not been out for duty before.The kids there were awesome,really cute!!But the thing I never like is that I've to wake up very early on Saturday and be there for 7-8 hours.(hmmm....)
Or not it would be very great!!!By time I reached home it was already 2.30 p.m.whoaa...then as usual....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (*shiiiyyyyy.....silence please)
Overall nothing much has happened these few days due to the bad weather.I hope we'll see the wonderful sun and rain very soon,now I know how great the sun is!!!In fact,I should have known this even earlier....
*people please take care,drink more water and avoid from going out so often,for now home is really the safest place to be in!!* So take care..
August 07, 2005
Free again

Life is just quite bored these few days,not very busy,suddenly I felt very free.Have you ever heard the same song getting repeated in the whole day,doing the same thing over and over again.?These were what I did yesterday.But I somehow like this feeling,being calm and comfortable at times,not too busy atleast.I'm too tired to be busy...so I prefer FREE!xD And holidays are coming again,how many times have I said Hols is this blog?Haha,I think I've said that quite often.That just shows that how deep am I to holidays.Today Zik-So class was cancelled because our instructor said that the air was quite bad this morning,and our class is actually open air,so he decided to cancel it...welll!!!Why can't he just tell me earlier,it's so hard for me to go into sleep again after I woke up....So I chat with Val on phone at 8 something....xD Can you imagine???8 .30 a.m and I was on the phone chit-chatting,that's very unusual for me.
3.aha,stupid,slow reaction-Yes,i do admit that I react slower than others do.Still trying to improbe on that,xD haha,they always laugh at me.I think I'll be the first to get in trouble when there is a car coming towards me....=D*bang.......*everything is just too late.Ya,and stupid,they always say that I'm stupid.=D Take it easy,so i'm used to it whenever they say that.I'm just not that clever type,so let it be!!God gives me 50% so I'll take the 50%...I'll take whatever I have and that's it.
4.talk softly-I often get complaints for that.Well,they just didn't know how hard i tried to talk louder when they are not around.I did practice before but somehow it didn't work.However,not going to give up because I don't want to be blamed on this anymore.
That's what I can think of now.Hope you all get to know me better through this.=) I welcome critism as well.Nobody is perfect,and be what and who you are.Don't ever try to imitate someone else because u think that u're not cool enough.Without realizing the coolest and chunest part is actually already with you since the day you were born.This made everyone so special and can't be imitated.* 8 parts of originality and 2 parts of improving* this makes up every human.Who cares if it's not perfect,as long as the most original part is there~~
August 04, 2005
Well,I still have plenty of things to write after a short break.First it will be the Hari kantin.OOo god,finally it was over.Haha,I looked so stupid on that day,carrying tonnes of can drinks up and down,atleast for 3 rounds.And I just hate our school to be so big yet not much facilities,useless,made me so tired after walking round and round.Unfortunately,we earned only 100-200 I think!Not much I know,imagine we still have to give 20% to the school,so it's really nothing much left for us.Our school is just like a money vacumn,it sucks up all of our money.Seriously I don't know how many times have I heard that our school is raising funds to do this and that,to make our school a better place to live in and all that.But after all the donations ,I don't see any changes.They can build a gym room without any equipments inside,and it's there for a half year.And they can build a new office for 3 months???Smart people will get what I mean...I just wondered where ourmoney goes and what are they doing for us???
xD And I have a very very good news to annouce,my japanese language class is about to start.It will be started next week,which is 14th Aug,I know it's just a few days right before the exams,but I'm too excited and I neglect about my test.What can I do,I've stopped for a year and finally I can start again....argh~~~~xD!!I'll study earlier and prepare for the test before I enter the language class to make sure both turn up good.Haha,I hope it works.Well,there is actually an exam for the japanese as well,so maybe I'm going to sit for the exam after I've completed a few levels.....!!Still early to think about it.And admin there told me that it takes about 1 1/2 year to actually finish the whole thing,and also to speak fluently in Japanese...Hmmmm,which means I still have maybe 1 year since I've started last year.Gambateh,long more to go!!xD
My piano exam is coming,it's on 25th August.I'm quite nervous because I still think that my pieces aren't good enough.Luckily it's during the holidays,so I still have some time to practice.And now only I know that I have to actually sing and have an aural test as well.........hmmm,even worried about that.Keep wondering it!!SING........bless,I wish I could pass,just pass will be enough for me.
Recently I just found out that I actually have much things which I would like to buy,but knowing that I can't have all of them at once,so I'm going to save save and save money again.Why money is always not enough??I really have no idea where all my money has gone...hmmm!!That's a question!I want to buy 2 dramas and few cds including soundtracks.And 1 radio active shirt which I searched it for a long time already and few more stuffs....hmm,going to write about it next time.
July 28, 2005
At this moment,I could really feel the cruelty in human.Selfish,selfish human.Just want to make their things easy and putting all the work on my shoulder and expect me to do it.I can do it but it isn't a necessary for me to do and wait patiently,stand for you bad tanthrum.They please you when they need you,and throw you back behind whenever there are good things in front.Do you have friends like that?I've known her for atleast 6 years,and she treated me like that now.I even wonder whether I'm considered a friend of her's or not.I don't know whether I'm being too kind to you and you're using me to benefit yourself.I don't like to have tanthrum with anyone of you,if it's still considerable,I wouldn't have made a sound.I don't like to make everyone angry and still have to get back together to work together soon.It won't feel the same anymore,everyone wouldn't have done their part well and with their true hearts.I don't want it to be like that.I'm tired to compromise with you.You know who you are....did you actually care for my feeling?Or just being happy to have a stupid idiot for you to use anytime?
I really feel like crying....and still tones of work are waiting for me.I know someone is helping me from my back,I know!!I totally changed my true heart to you,you made me not feel like treating you in the same way as what I did before that.You made me feel like betraying you and just leave you alone.You made me feel frustrated and so guilty with what I've done.But I know I can't do that...eventhough I'm already somehow your enemy,the contrast in you and me makes us can't be together anymore....anymore!!Your "don't care,don't know" prinsip will be none of my business anymore.I'll do my part and so do you.That's the best thing I can do to avoid from another battle from happening .I want to live in peace and leave school peacefully.
" Now it's just too late,and we can't go back,I'm sorry,I can't be perfect"
Also hope Val will do well in her piano exams.
Thanks to Full House because it's the only drama which makes me laugh for now.
Thanks to this blogger for giving me an opputunity to release everything out without hurting anybody's feeling.that's the best way.
I don't know why,but I keep on thinking cl,py and mk.Just thank you all for being with me all the time.I somehow miss you all....
Thanks to san,my sis,she wouldn't have know I thanked her but I really really thank her for helping me.I know you like pink,so I put this in pink.
Thanks to everyone who really treats me with their true hearts,believe me,I know,I know,I really know who!!
I'm so sorry to end this blog in a down mood....neglect this if u're not in a good mood too,it just makes u feel worst.Using blue colour because it's the only colour who makes me feel better.
July 23, 2005
Choral Speaking..
Then one week past with practises everyday for a few hours.We really put much effort on it despite it's our first time to join this competition.I was happy to work with them although it was only 4 days.I kept on asking the other team members to comment on my performance so that I can improve immediately since we've not much time left.Many exhilariting moments have been shared throughout the practises...xD and our conductor,amira is really funny!! She did not put pressure on us but she always makes us laugh and enjoy .She's really great,althought teacher did say something bad but I still listen to her and only her.xD I was also busy borrowing prefect's uniform from everywhere,I think I've asked at least 10 people.All of us were supposed to wear prefect's uniform on that day.Finally I got one from the form 3...wondering whether I could fit in annot...
Yesterday was the competition.We were extremely nervous but still trying to do our best and keep calm until the performance ends.I wasn't very nervous because I knew that once I did that,I'll be forgetting all the actions and poem as well.Before the competition I went to the PBSM meeting..then I went home with winney.We were chit-chatting and eating our lunch before we bathed and go to school again.I was really in horror when I couldn't fit in the skirt which I borrowed and I was panicked.I didnt know who to borrow because half more hour we are leaving school to the competition......Really thanks to all the other such as shal,hsiu ping,mani,winney,margaret,malini and so much more.They helped me to go round and round searching a suitable skirt for me to wear.Finally at the very last moment I got a skirt on me...phew!!I was thinking to quit before that because of not getting a right skirt!Thank god I still managed to enter the competition at last.
We were the third to perform.There were all together 13 teams participated in this competition.It was held in Subang parade.xD We were quite crazy when we got there,and it's just amazing to see a bunch of red maniacs using the esculator and all you could see was only sri amanians in two rows wearing the prefect's uniform and amira who was wearing the red coat outside...xD!!Right before the performance,our teacher Pn santira gathered us and gave us last instrution on what to do and amira who was teaching us what to do later and asked us not to be panicked.Because we are going to put on a good show..that's the only thing we could do to ensure our hard work was paid.deng deng deng deng....Then we got up the stage and started the whole thing which we did numerous times in the poem.I was glad that we managed to perform everything which was planned and practised earlier,all the actions without forgetting the poem because we always paused during practising.xD whoaaaaa.....finally the thing was over and we jumped and screamed after we left the stage,aha,that's how sri amanians behave when they're too hyper.I was happy for not forgetting my part because teacher changed my position a day before...!!xDI didn;t watch another 12 teams but I went to mcd's and hang around.Then when the emcee annouced that we got 2nd,we all jumped off the chairs and...xD hugging each other!We really worked very hard and it was tiring .xD We got a big trophy,rm1000 and a certificate for each member.xD Whoaaa....
That was a really great experience and I changed my impression on choral speaking,well just slightly.I'm glad to know more great friends through joining this competition.Most importantly,I know I can do it if I really want to do it and it just requests some hard work and a bit of confidence...I knew I didn't have much confidence inmyself before that and even know just gained a bit more only.I've to do my best because we are performing in assembly tomorrow...xD yeah,coming back with all the pleasure and honour!!Just hope that the rm1000 won't go to the school,but don't think there'll be with us either.And I'm having fever right after the competition until know...feel dizzy and tired always.But still,not to forget here are some people which I would like to thank:
here's the list of people:
Winney:really want to thank you because you helped me a lot in catching up the poem and teaching me what to do so that I'm not so blur.xD and encourage me,helping me until the very last second...Thanks a lot peep!!
Margaret,Shal,Hsiu Ping,Mani:You all are really great people to work with..xD always put up a good show and helping each other.Thanks for all the effort!!
Amira:Whoaa,you're a great conductor,xD aha,I'll only listen to your instruction,don't worry and I could only see you when we were performing,thanks for all your guidance to make me better.
Valerie:yes,must not forget to thank val for giving comments and also came to watch the competition,Xd thanks for supporting and all the compliments!!You're great too!!
Hidayah,Eileen,the form 3 junior,Amirah:thanks for borrowing me the uniform,tie and skirt.xD U all helped me to enter because I wouldn't have managed to get on stage without the uniform.hehe...
All team members: Thanks for all the hard work and we did it.Xd should celebrate in some other day.
Pn suhafna,Ms thana:Thanks for coming,both of u are my teachersxD,english and est.Thanks for coming to support us.Thank you
Pn santira:Thanks for your guidance and xD hard work.Thank you teacher.I'm happy that we did it too.
July 12, 2005
Photos for Today!!
Deng deng deng deng,my coke I
This is my precious precious...aha!!I got all these very hard,thanks to all the people who've helped me in collecting coke can drinks from all over the countries.They are cans from (left to right)Swiss,korea(3 cans),Indonesia,South Africa,Japan and ArabXD in the picture.
my Coke II
Cans from Swiss,Italy,China,U.S,Indonesia,France,Japan!!xD whoa,look there are some special edition such as the christmas coke can and also the golden colour can...
Gummy candies from Swiss,my aunt bought it for me.xD The special thing is it is made up of many kinds of animals such as the dinasour,owl and so on.There are all in different flavours...aha,very nice to eat!!!yum yum..
This was one of the photos which I've taken on 17/4,when Twins came to promote their first Mandarin albumxD,it was such a nice day!!
A dog you must know ,PLUTO-my lovely dog!!ahaks,taken when it was 1-year-old
Birthday Cake
My birthday cake last year-Choclate cake,whohoooo!!yummy!!My sis took us to swensens to have dinner on that day...nice***
To BE continued.....
July 08, 2005
Then it's about the Interact.I was ABOUT to join the club.When val told me about the second intake of the interact club,I quickly did the orientation form and started to get all the seniors and interactors to sign for me.Besides the orientation,I was supposed to write 2 essays and attend an interview.I've done the 2 essays but I failed to go to the meeting..it was so wasted!!!!I waited for 2 hours atleast for nothing and I really gave up ,I waited for val to finish her interview and I went back home!what am I doing,I kept on asking myself?Why should I waited for so long for nothing?Since it was over,I try not to think so much about it...=) I'm a student again.....althought I felt a bit dissapointed,this feeling is not going to be with me long.=) Nevermind,I tell myself!!!
Last Sun,I went to watch the cheer 05 too.It was my first time watching a cheerleading competition.I went with my sisters at 1.30 p.m.dDefinitely it has opened up my eyes and let me realise that how great are the other cheerleaders besides our school,really great!!I really like the titan's perfomance although they didn't manage to get into the top three,they got the sixth.But they're really great!!Keep it up!!Well,I watched my school's one too.=) They did not win but I'll still support them,sri amanians,go go go!!!go,fight,win!!U all have put up a good show too!!!I makes the competition fantastic.yes,and the host was very funny too.He liked to do all these silly acts xD to actually keep up the audience spirit...=DAnd I saw jac too.Long time didn't meet her,and she's still the same...still having a nice and powerful voice,friendly,atleast i think so.=) She's becoming more popular and I think joining Mi is really one of the right things she did in her life.See what she is getting now and you'll understand,fame is one of them!!She sang three songs,if I ain't got you,that's the way it is(i think so) and her popular song,GEMILANG!!Some cheerleaders also managed to get her signature and take photos with her...xD they did that when jac was singing...xDno eye see~and then one by one came..and she was singing WHILE taking photos with them and signing on the stuff they brought,banners and all that!!The competition ended at 5.15 p.m.And dynamitez from Dj won the first place..hmm,I didn't really enjoy their perfomance,somehow I still think titan is better!But judges might have their different way of judging.congrats anyway!!
Recently I've met some weird things happened on me,I didn't know why.Maybe I'm thinking too much ...shouldn't be thinking it so much!!Starts from the PBSM cabang meeting,then something happened and changed.Then the physics tuition,I met this annoying and irrytating guy who keeps on throwing papers to the front and talking nonsense.I'm gald he's not BESIDE me,or not he's going to get it.Somemore he asked me whether I'm her friend annot...some old "taktik","hmm,you look like my friend from...school!!I just answered him "i'm not" and I went off,why care more?Still want to stand there waiting for more questions??Ahaks,I won't do that!!What kind of friend is this if he doesn't even recognise his friends' appearance.Then it's about this PBSM...not going to talk about it,should be I'm thinking too much because I didn't know the guy.So it's alright!!=) i don't want to think much and be so perasanted later...