Life is just quite bored these few days,not very busy,suddenly I felt very free.Have you ever heard the same song getting repeated in the whole day,doing the same thing over and over again.?These were what I did yesterday.But I somehow like this feeling,being calm and comfortable at times,not too busy atleast.I'm too tired to be busy...so I prefer FREE!xD And holidays are coming again,how many times have I said Hols is this blog?Haha,I think I've said that quite often.That just shows that how deep am I to holidays.Today Zik-So class was cancelled because our instructor said that the air was quite bad this morning,and our class is actually open air,so he decided to cancel it...welll!!!Why can't he just tell me earlier,it's so hard for me to go into sleep again after I woke up....So I chat with Val on phone at 8 something....xD Can you imagine???8 .30 a.m and I was on the phone chit-chatting,that's very unusual for me.
Then I went to the Japanese language class to brush up and do some revision on my level 1.Luckily I did some revision on my own before that,so it wasn't as hard though to catch up.But this teacher is definitely so much better than mine...*sigh*unlucky to have a bad one.But it's over and I'll persevere to my level 2,so I've to work harder.xDOkay,stop here today about jap,I think I've been writing too much about that....I'm so sorry!!xD
Then I came home,I really feel like hanging out today,but I always miss a chance to hang out.Somehow my mood is always different from my family,whenever I want to hang out is when they don't do that!!*sigh*Feel like calling my peeps to hang out but looking at the clock,whoa,it was already 2.30,so I went upstairs and opened my com...another day at home!!!Mega sale mega sale mega sale!!!But I didn't even hang out for once!!All went out except my second sis...hmmm!!And I'm listening to the full house OST now!!I've no idea what am I supposed to do.Let's find a topic to write in....hmm!Yea,I'll tell you more about what others told me about my personality,their impression to me and so on.Recently I just heard some of them saying,and below are some of their sayings on me:
1.blur-I don't know,but 9 out of 1o people will say that I'm blur.I seriously have no idea why and what have I done to make them feel this way.Maybe it's natural,I was born to be like this.So not going to change anyway.Some even compared me to my idol-Vic....hmmm!!saying that we look similar in personality??xO really?I consider that as a compliment then..ahaks!
2.quiet-well,this isn't the first time for me to hear this?Too quiet and soft,people who know better will definitely understand that I'm like that since the first day they met me.I just don't like to be too noisy,I can be talkative but not to strangers....STarngers will think that I'm very cool and action...what to do?xD I enjoy being quiet anyway,so no one can change me.Prefer listening than talking,don't you all feel tired when you're talking too much?
3.responsible and hardworking-I feel like laughing when they told me this.xD That's because they can't see the hidden lazy and irresponsible in myself.xD Does that mean that I'm quiet good at hiding all these from them?=) I just do what they told,I hope to complete everything which is given to me,is that considered hardwoking?I thought everyone is supposed to be like that...isn't it?I'm not that good as what you guys thought....
4.understanding-Hmm,no comment on this,I can't judge myself on this,because it's for them to think and tell me.maybe less comment and more listening make them feel that I've this quality.No idea....
5.kind-xd I'm happy you guys told me that but again it's not as good as what you thought I'm.There's always an evil side in everyone of us.The DARK SIDE!!!Maybe I'm only kind in small tiny things....Yes,I do but I hesitate whether I'll do the same when it comes to big problems..hmmm
Well,these are the more common ones.=) Let me tell you more about my bad qualities as well as weaknesses .
1.emotional-one of my peeps did told me this before.Sometimes I do have very pessimistic thinking and it makes me very unhappy.I don't know whether I influence the others .Sorry if I pull down anyone's spirit,didn't mean to do that.I'm still improving...and improving..
2.easily get angry (xiao qi)-This was what my family and siblings told me.I don't get this from my friends...I don't know,maybe I'm xiao qi.According to them,I'm always "lian chou chou" when I can;t get whatever I wanted.No comment on this,I don't like to fight back them when I'm angry,so I keep myself away from them.but later I found out whatever I do,they consider me as xiao qi.So let it be...
3.aha,stupid,slow reaction-Yes,i do admit that I react slower than others do.Still trying to improbe on that,xD haha,they always laugh at me.I think I'll be the first to get in trouble when there is a car coming towards me....=D*bang.......*everything is just too late.Ya,and stupid,they always say that I'm stupid.=D Take it easy,so i'm used to it whenever they say that.I'm just not that clever type,so let it be!!God gives me 50% so I'll take the 50%...I'll take whatever I have and that's it.
4.talk softly-I often get complaints for that.Well,they just didn't know how hard i tried to talk louder when they are not around.I did practice before but somehow it didn't work.However,not going to give up because I don't want to be blamed on this anymore.
That's what I can think of now.Hope you all get to know me better through this.=) I welcome critism as well.Nobody is perfect,and be what and who you are.Don't ever try to imitate someone else because u think that u're not cool enough.Without realizing the coolest and chunest part is actually already with you since the day you were born.This made everyone so special and can't be imitated.* 8 parts of originality and 2 parts of improving* this makes up every human.Who cares if it's not perfect,as long as the most original part is there~~
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