Well,I promised to blog about the piano exam which I had last thursday.Miracle did not happen as I did not do it well.I made some mistakes as usual,and hesitated for such a long period before my mouth could come out with any answers.The examiner was an old man,he looked kind but I've no idea what was he going to write on the paper.Every single word he wrote might change my life.
Pieces were okay,atleast I feel so.Sight reading was still okay,but the worst was the aural test and sight-singing.I missed out some notes and all my rhythms were out.Nevermind,just to get an experience,I told myself.Everyone will make a mistake,not all of us are talented pianist,I'm definitely out from the those talented ones.=) Just hope that I'll pass my exam...bless!!
Then I finally watched one of the movies I've chosen to watch.It was last Saturday,when I hang out with mK and we watched
I actually wanted to watch this since the beginning of the year.It was a very popular movie and received good comment in Japan last year.It isn't a high budget movie,no celebreties starring in the movie.You may think,why do you watch it then?Well,it's a love story.The storyline is actually very simple,but the way they filmed was great.It touches you from the bottom of your heart,as though you were in every scene and watching everything happened.I believe that everyone has somehow a very unforgettable people in their heart.No matter what happens,how many crush you've met,how many kisses you've given,how many romantic things you've done with another,there someone just can't help you from forgetting the very first person you've met。THE VERY FIRST!!That's your first love,and maybe not everything but you remember most of the things you've done with him.That's the first time you give promise to another,the first time you receive a gift from him,the first time he says hi to you,the first time both of you hang out together......You can sure remember some of these sweet moments.Maybe the ending is not a good one,and both of you did not end up together,and all these are the only things he could have given you.=) Keep all these,because it's still your first love.If you are lucky,he may be the first and the last in your life.It's not an experience,but it's an everlasting memory.So go watch it on your own,maybe it inspires you in another way.
I had my last revision japanese class on Sunday.Simon-san did not turn up.Our class only had 9 people.xD It was all as usual,until 12 p.m.He started to tell and share his experience in watching animation.It's not my favourite because I seldom watch it....more on jap dramas.However,that's one which he mentioned attracted me.I want to watch "tenku no shiro laputa" o r something like that,in chinese it's "tian kong zhi cheng".It's a 'gong qi jun' film.
Maybe this name seems a bit strange to you all,but he's a very influencing and great producer in Japan.He has produced a lot of great anime and cartoons."qian yu qian xun" is one of them.His latest is "ha er yi dong cheng bao".=)
Lastly,I'm here to wish all of you Happy National Day.xD Don't hope that I'll say something which is so patriotic,it's good enough if I don't criticize and still respect "negaraku".There'll always be a limit there.Anyway,happy holidays and happy birthday,malaysia.My country....
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