Disney Cellphone
In conjuction with the opening of the Hong Kong disney,they actually released a limited edition Disney cellphone with Disney's logo printed on the cover of the phone.=) Haha,I suppose it has received an immense population as Disney is always favourites of people from all walks of life and from all ages.So far,I've not seen one in real life.=D Haha,hoping to see it.I've no idea how much does it cost but definitely not a cheap one as it's a limited edition phone.
Apple Computer
This is one of the latest product of Apple company.Looking for a transparent laptop???It's no longer a dream as Apple has released a high-tech laptop with transparent screen.Unbelievable??this is the brilliant invention of humans....*grins*.Cool huh?But what wonders me the most is how are they going to see the screen?Perhaps they'll see the plant in front,isn't it??hmmm...
Newest Mini Car
Does it look cute?I think this is a compressed car.It's short and mini to overcome the difficulty in parking especially in city.Haha,I thought it was a mini toy car at first,then I realised that it's really a car.
Egg Pod
Yes,you read the right title.Don't think only Ipod existed in the market,haha,there is actually an Egg Pod too.I've no idea how massive is the size but definitely its selling point is just the size...inconvenient to bring it out though.
There are many more creative inventions waiting to be posted.=) I shall blog about it in someday later.Hakuna matata!!with creativity,you can come out with more special ideas too e.Agree?
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