I'm so glad that you dedicated a blogpost for me and winney@ 'iron man'. Like you said, things went on a tremendous change after secondary school. The biggest change was not being able to see you guys everyday, chit-chatting everytime we met each other in school. At that time, we would find time for each other even though we weren't in the same class, there would be a way for the 3 of us to stick together and started all the self-highness.
Luckily, I don't have to lose the two of you to realize how much you all meant to me, but I'm more and more appreciating you two as my true friends as I grow older. I realized the youthful times and memory lane we had once walked together were solidly unbeatable.
I still remember .....
We used to sit in class and listen to Winney's cold jokes.
The way Eileen taught first aid and Winney training the marching team.
The day we won the singing competition.
Since then, the song '围巾' has also become one of our classics.
We had terrible sun burnt after standing under the sun for 8 hours on every sports day, and then started laughing at each other the next day.
We used to have this mini gathering at my house every Friday before/after chinese class.
We named each other rice tong, water tong and iron tong.
Val's 'masterpiece' about Cik-Tan was published on 学海.
eL said ' Cannot ! How can you beat me and took over my first place.'
That was how we got motivation from each other in my opinion. Yes??
Win said ' Cannot, I must beat you in Chinese.'
And you succeeded.My chinese is nothing better than you, seriously, you even write chinese novels.
eL said 'she's a dead reader, always dead reading sejarah!'
You know what, I'm losing my memorizing skills nowadays. Maybe can't swallow a book now.
Win saying ' Mun ah mun,don't read so fast can annot?'
I learnt to stop and be patient since then.
Win joked ' Play me Lee Hom's song, I don't want to hear any mistakes .'
=P Hahaha, don't be too strict to me please. I'm not very skillful yet.
You girls had blue black on hands by my pinches.
I didn't realize I've that power, I've stopped all the pinching and hitting from that day onwards.
We ended up getting married to each other and having this complicated 'affair'.
Why must I be the wife and you two be the husband? =P Let's shuffle next time.
eL and I held each other's hand and completed the marathon together.
I love that certificate we got, it just reminds me of our determination.
You two teased on my mini fingernails, and told me
' munx2, stop cutting your fingernails please, it's already mini enough'
I laughed when eL knocked the plant and tiang on the way to class.
eL did Jap language revision with me in class and shouted ' 5 o'clock is go go go !'
Win makes me feel special by letting me to become her first novel reader.
Win took up the challenge and ate that syrup beehun.
Win promised to play me 'qing tian' on guitar.
You two named me '蚂蚁' , '呆mun仔' and '美禄王'.
Those were the days, still vividly in my mind despite of its age.
'mun mun 是个不多话的女生,如果你不认识她,极有可能认为她是自闭,其实不是.人真的不可以貌相,看她弱不禁风的样子,还真被她骗了.她有个绝世武工—捏人超痛,所向无敌.所以没那个本事,别找她单挑.我记得她在中一&中二的时候,一直不多言.随着地球的公转自转,她已经练得一口好口才.至少说话没比蚂蚁小声,还有能力反驳.(孺子可教也!)'
'是我们的蚊子+蚂蚁,McD代言人pui mun'
'I'm serious, this girl here can never sit down nicely on her arse and relax...Relax girl...Breath, in, out, in, out...Anyways, Pui Mun's a really smart yet humble person. She strives harder than anyone i know when she breaks down...I've known you for almost 4 years, and i'm really glad and thankful to have you as one of my bestest friend! Bottomline, gettin to know her's exactly like putting a million red m&ms into your mouth...She's soo schweeeet!!!! Simple, but elegant = Chong Pui Mun. Loveya lotssss!!!!'
Do you guys still remember all these? Very randomly posted, but they weigh a lot to me.
Trust me, I really took your word for it.
Two of you have always been protecting me and boosting up my confidence. Thank you for telling me how you feel for me, if not I wouldn't have known what kind of friend I am.It has been 6 months not seeing you guys, life is tough but I know all of us are tough cookies, we hardly get defeated easily, not even by chance. Thanks for believing in our friendship, it definitely means more than what it takes. Both of you entered my life and eventually blent into it, just like a harmonious melody which never fails to touch my heart. I'm not sure how much I can do for you, but I will keep on working on it and stay at where I am, just when you need a listener.
Don't overrate me when both of you have given me so many important knowledge.You all showered me with a lot of values and lessons in life. Thank you for staying by my side and continue to be my friend.
My biggest gain in Sri Aman was getting to know three wonderful people in my life.
This year is also our 8th year 'anniversary' and it's my luck to know the three of you. You don't need to give me anything and feel guilty for not being a good friend.I would be glad to bless for your healthy and joyous life. Really, giving me a winney the pooh plush toy will not be any greater than you sharing with me your life story. I'm that simple, so don't have to make things more complexed.
Don't forget the fact that your happiness also stimulates my happiness, because sharing is caring.=)

A huge thank you to Winney Liew, Deng Eileen and Valerie Tan.
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