Yes, I spent the day myself .Stanley Park is the best hangout place with incredibly amazing view that I don't even mind if they charged an entrance fee. But they did not do so which is really a privilege to the citizens I feel.

It's just the right place with city view and greenery being blent together nicely.
When you look to the left, grasses and trees are what you see and once you get bored of it, you can always entertain yourself by looking to the right which offers you a wide array of downtown view.The beauty on both sides never fail to light up your day.
This morning, I woke up in a not-so-good mood which wasn't a good sign to me at all. I was trying to get rid of the messy feeling in me by occupying myself with some other activities, rather than staying in my room and had another non-productive day. It was just another oh-all-me-and-myself day- bus pass,camera, ipod and that made up my day.

I walked through the entire park leisurely, and I found out that I missed out a lot of parts on my previous visit. A lot of simple yet interesting scenes caught my eye, regardless of the old couples who were holding hands for an evening walk, middle-aged man busy capturing every bit of the park, young and energetic teenagers who were cycling around the cycling path, or tourists who were fascinated by the view, just like me. The park is such a generous giver, benefiting everyone in the park. As long as you're willing to drop by, you will earn something.

It's always a pleasure to take a break before resuming to the busy student's life, Stanley Park is an ideal place for people like me who enjoy a slow walk once in a blue moon, besides for those who jog and cycle. I've always wanted to cycle here because of the good weather, it's difficult to sweat even if you cycle for hours, which is what I like.Of course, that's gonna be in my 'to-do list in Vancouver'.

I'm glad I made my trip to the park today, to abandon all of my frustration.I'm glad I did not rely on someone and vent anger on them. Also, I've discovered something about myself today.It took me 20 months to come to this stage, to stop crying for the same person, having good sleep and happier life. Although deep down inside, I can always trace his existence, the feeling still remains, at least I can now smile to myself with all the good memories we once shared.
Finally, finally I persevered.

I went back with a smile on my face, 18.2.09 is a significant day to be remembered.
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