This term is unbelievably hectic that I actually spend every Sunday staying in hostel to finish off my never-ending assignments, readings and quizzes. I automatically shut my playing mood after a Saturday outing, despite it's the only day that I can fully slack.
Anyway, today's post is just gonna be a random share of thoughts.I used to be very competitive and took every single mark I lost seriously, sat in pain and regretted for the following days.Today, I no longer am.It doesn't matter to me how excel the others perform as long as I achieve my target.I set high goals on myself and strive hard to reach them,but I chose to ignore the full mark or top scorer people bleed to reach.Of course, I'll be happy for them, but that doesn't push me to an extent to compare my grades relatively to theirs.Even if I get an A, I'll be satisfied with my own effort and that's it! After all, only my accomplishment will make myself to the future, not theirs.
If giving them direct compliments will make them feel better, I need not hesitate to do so.Seriously, it's not that you're not good or so, it's just my personal dislike to make my life more difficult and compare myself to you. We can just go on separately and gain knowledge through the learning process. Also, I'm not the best, not that bright for you to compare, so don't choose me as your competitive rival.
I really wonder,since when did I become so ignorant?
Enough said. I bet most of my buddies are also having sluggish-but-busy life as me.
=P So new year is coming to an end. I had a short web-camming session with my dear friends last week.

My dear friends who will lure me on my favourite cookies and red packets.
My dear friends who will ask me to introduce them leng cai when I go back.
My dear friends who will choose me as their listener.
My dear friends who will e-mail me to reveal their true feelings.
I think, for now, you girls mean the most to me. So wait for my return and don't be surprised by my increased lameness.
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