LOOK AT HIS NINJA HANDS! He is definitely a potential Ninja fighter in future.
I should have put this up earlier since the baby boy is almost 2 months old now. But better late than never, so let me introduce the new member in my family officially, the small ninja fighter is baby Jo Kenn!! He almost made it on 10/10/10 but he was too eager to see the world a day earlier, so he decided to pop out on the 9th. Anyhow, I’m delighted to welcome this new October baby in the house.
Oh yeah, so now I’m a B with 4 kids around me, and when I come to think of it, I’m not exactly a B in the house anymore since I’ve passed my throne to them since Jia Huey was born.However, I’m more than happy to have one more kid to play with in next summer, as I’m really missing these cheeky kids for now.
Hola, and now I’ve another new target to buy clothes for during my Cali trip. I think I’m getting better at buying kids’ clothes after 2 years of experiences, because my taste preference will automatically switch into kids mode when I’m choosing clothes or toys for them, just to make sure that they’ll like the gift.
For now, I’d rather talk to the kids than having to handle what world has gotten me into.