September 23, 2010

Pledge today, make a change.


"We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are always there for the others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you."

I’m glad that I’ve met that someone, someone whom I can get along well and talk comfortably, someone whom I’ll bother showing my concern and letting them know and feel that, someone whom I’m willing to spend more time going out with and hoping to understand more about them. I think, that’s an improvement of me because I used to keep my feelings in heart most of the time but now, I’ll deliver my message at the appropriate time, to the appropriate person.

Although my weekdays are all about lectures and assignments now, I feel like I’m really living a life as a student with school on weekdays and friends time on weekends as I’m keeping the balance quite good. More calls, more texts, more consistent study and assignment buddies during break time, more outings and more exposures, these things make me feel so lively nowadays. I’m totally giving myself a chance to go on a roller coaster ride and trying out another kind of lifestyle as well as studying method to see if it'll bring out some potential in me.

Anyway, I’ve also joined El’s cause of ‘Vegosaurs for change’. It’s a cause about reducing meat consumption for a better environment. So I’m banning myself from meat once a week and I feel good about it because it’s something related to my field of study as well, it’s something about food sustainability and how we should understand the impacts of our food choice on the environment and the entire food system. Nowadays, I begin to think about my contributions towards the society, how an act of care and kindness can bring some new hope to a system. Do not neglect a mere personal contribution because aggregation can become very influential, just like the ‘Earth hour’ and some other thought-provoking events. They don’t make you change for just one day, all they pledge for is a lifetime commitment from you through the event.

Do join me if you’re willing to make the commitment and here’s the event page on FB. 100 people have joined the line and I really hope to see more of you guys there, standing in the same line for the same goal.

I don’t know what exactly is changing within me but something is changing, probably it’s an adoption of a better mind with healthier thoughts. I think I’m heading to the positive direction in every perspective, be it personal contributions and goals, family and friendships, and lastly relationship.

I’m good, I’m content, and I just want to keep this gratitude flowing.