I don’t want to sound so melancholy from this blog post onwards, it makes me feel sad when bestie reads my blog and tells me that my blog has become so gloomy nowadays. The previous post is just a minor problem of me, and the only healing potion is time, so just let me walk through the stage myself because I understand that no one can help me with this.
Don’t worry because it’s not the first time, therefore I can do it.
So, this is my recent life.
Cooked a hearty dinner for Eu’s birthday. We had a simple but chatty dinner session together, and this was definitely the most relaxing and content birthday celebration ever.
Why? Because we were all in pyjamas.
She rewarded us with a super-good-looking fruit platter which she made it by herself.
You know what? This platter also marked the first official banana I ate in Vancouver. Before that, I always had the illusion that bananas in Vancouver weren’t nice. After living here for almost 2 years, finally I know that they taste good.
Paralympic Opening
Dyed hair on my own for the first time. It’s reddish brown now, but I can’t seem to take a good picture with obvious hair colour in it, so more pictures next time.
Before dyeing my hair, I actually chopped a bunch of hair off because I couldn’t bear with its super complicated tangling. The daily task of untangling my hair annoyed me, so I decided to put an end with the annoyance. A scissor, 5 seconds, and it was settled.
Went to take pictures with WX and Eu on the second last day of Paralympic. It was so hilarious when we were busy taking pictures while the volunteers were busy clearing up the banners and flags.
Prom with the girls.
P/S: We shall go to a more decent prom next time.
Became Eu’s temporary Maria and cheered for her on Storm the Wall. I actually wanted to participate in this year’s Storm the Wall, but couldn’t find enough people to form a group. However, I’ll definitely climb that 12-foot wall before I graduate, that’s for sure.
Invented 莲藕汤板面. I never expect soup and noodle to blend together so well.