November 16, 2009

Good times, friends time

Besides busy grasping the lecture notes, I celebrated quite a lot of friends’ birthdays this year. Perhaps September to November is like the peak of birthday parties since there is a lot of September, October, and November babies around me. So I actually celebrate a birthday almost every week.

First, it was Afsan’s birthday!
afsan's bday

2 weeks later, we had a birthday party for Isis!
isis bday

They’re close friends of mine in Vancouver and coincidentally we’re all in the same faculty. Hanging out with them is like putting thousands and thousands of laughing pills into your mouth because they never fail to make my day with their stories. I see them on every school day and we-the threesome are always together when we have the same class.

Richa, on the other hand, is another good buddy of mine as I’ve known her for the longest period among three of them. It’s only until this term that we get to know each other better and go into much more personal conversations.

So much good foods, laughs, and good times when I’m with them.This,is one good contributor to the fun and happiness in my second year so far, and I bet the good times we share will continue to blast off. ^_^

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