December 03, 2008

Mugging time !

My life as a full time book mugger officially begins as I'm off for a study week since last Friday.I'm just glad that I've completed all the lectures and am able to keep myself to most of the lectures so far. Having said that, I will need to focus intensively on Calculus since it's my weakest subject for now. I just can't help but to keep traumatizing myself of how I'll end up staying for a summer course in Vancouver next year if I fail it. So, this is the time I prove to myself that it must not happen.

Dear friends, I really appreciate your trust and the confidence you guys injected to me, when I have uncertainty on my ability to excel. I never really worry working on things individually, keep trying it out until I level up my satisfaction if more time were given to me. It's just saddening when reality clashes with my ideal learning way, I start to qualm. You guys are just being extremely nice to believe on my ability.

Please please, work harder PM!!

On the other hand, I went on my first movie outing in Canada last Friday, for the recently-most-discussed film " Twilight". I'll withhold comments on this movie, but I can sense the fever is heating up here, when I was accompanying my friend to get the books, there were about 3 people getting the full book collection at the same time, I mean, 3 sets of books were sold off within my 15-minute- stay at Chapters.

Alright, I'm going to take a break and resume studying later.=) Take care everyone !

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