December 04, 2010

2010 is the year (3)


2010 is the year I made friend with Chrona aka Doggy Kuo Kuo and spent a great summer with her. Doggy Kuo Kuo is a fortunate dog, she gets to go to a lot of places and being pampered by everyone.She's also very cheeky with a good taste in eating, because her highest record was eating up 9 imported pineapple pies from Taiwan out of a dozen.

That…has left Wayne with 3 pineapple pies as his souvenir.

Anyway, doggy Kuo Kuo is in New York now, and I do miss her as much as I miss Pluto at home, because she is my first dog friend in Vancouver. I just have a thing for dogs.

Most importantly,I’ve learnt a lesson from Chrona: dogs are the best heater on earth, as hugging a dog while watching night movies is really the warmest thing to do when the weather outside is chilly.