Today’s my third day back home and everything seems to be going pretty fine and that includes the lovely weather which is much better than my expectation. Although I do miss my peeps in Vancouver, it just feels so good to be home after a long 10-month of consistent battle with the books.
Ahh, I feel so glad to meet my niece and nephews again although my nephews failed to recognize me now(Hmmm, I need some time to patch up our ‘relationship’). Fortunately my niece shows her extremely friendly side to me, she holds my hands whenever she goes everyday and asks me a lot of questions.
JH: I sleep with you on Saturday ok?
JH: You play toys with me ok?
JH: We go to find ‘lao shi’ together ok?
JH: I hold your hands and we go back to Vung Tao together ok?
Me: Ok.
The feeling of re-joining the innocent world definitely puts a smile on my face.
Besides that, I've started my K.L life and everything’s familiar yet strange to me. Since I moved into a new house, I can’t recognize the roads and the buildings nearby completely, so now’s the hard time for me to learn everything from the start again. Therefore,I’ve to commute and live on ‘car-less’ days until I’ve mastered the new roads.
Right, that’s all for now! I gotta start my busy ‘socializing’ life again according to Susie.