“I’m a big big girl, in a big big world, it’s not a big big thing, if you leave me…”
Okay. Only the first 2 sentences are relevant in this case. I’ll be departing from Seattle Tacoma (SEATAC) airport instead of Vancouver airport, so this journey is another long one for me.^_^ But I totally have adopted the resistance and quietness while travelling alone since this is not the first time for me.
So, this is only half of my journey so far, as I’m now still sitting in the SEATAC airport.
8.35 a.m- Bus ride to the required bus stop for pick up
9.35 a.m- Picked up. Another bus ride to SEATAC.
11.00 a.m- Stuck in the Seattle Custom for 40 minutes. A little bit of story here, I was required to pay a fee cost 6 USD, and the smallest note I had was 50 dollars. So, the officer gave me that fierce look and said “small notes or credit card”. So I ended up swapping my credit card to pay 6 dollars, what a crap.
2.10 p.m- Reached SEATAC. I thought my luggage went overweight again when I saw “35.5” on the electronic weighing machine, but it was actually in lb. PHEW, I swear I made an effort to travel light and I made it. Custom was quite strict, no friendly faces. They greeted me by asking me to take off my shoes, and took out my laptop.
2.30 p.m- I’m here sitting and blogging.
So my next destination is Long Beach, then Washington.
Ja ne !
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