On the first few days,I went to hunt for souvenirs for my dear friends.Up till now, I'm about 80% done with my souvenirs shopping, only scratching my head on a few more people's gift because I've no idea what to give them.
I spent a day for :
Granville Island

Lions Gate Bridge

English Bay

Harbour Tower

A round of Japanese buffet
For your information,they are geographically close to each other, so a one-day trip will be just nice to fit in all these tourist spots.It was my second visit to all these places except for Harbour tower, I just wanted to get a closer touch on things I've neglected on my previous visit, and I think I did it pretty well as I was caught up with a lot of interesting things on my recent visit.
I love the kids market in Graville Island. There were so many tiny cute stuff I could play with to entertain myself,besides looking for toys for my fellow 'kids' back at home.Well, I'm quite good at self-indulging myself for more fun and happiness.Speaking about that 3 little kids at home, they've grown up faster than my aging rate, Big Kenn starts to seek for my dad's attention and begins to get jealous by yelling when my dad is hugging JH. Small Kenn starts to learn crawling, and he grows more hair, so leng chai now! The self-proclaim big sister JH knows a lot of words nowadays so much that she can sometimes have a short conversation with me on the phone. The conversation usually starts off like this:
JH: Yiyi, how are you?
Me: I'm fine, how are you? Barney leh?
JH: Barney mou zho (no more).
Me: Baby hai bin dou ( where are babies-my nephews).
JH: Baby fan gao (sleeping).
Me: Oh....JH leh?
JH: JH ngam ngam fan seng (Just woke up).
JH: Bye bye yiyi. Baby oi xu xu ( Baby wants to pee).
Me: Okok, bye bye.
Everytime when I talk to her , I've the urge to pinch her chubby cheeks and give her a big fat hug. Yes, she's that adorable and hyperactive. She always reminds me of my sis ( JH's Sam yi), because I think they both share some similar characteristics, I bet that's also the reason why they can mingle together so well. My sis can be a big kid sometimes,but a cute one. Once in a while I would think, I would marry her if I were a guy, because she's just so optimistic, sweet and nice to be with.Something big is going to happen in her life soon, and I'll mentally support her. Nothing breaks the family bond if we hold it strongly, there isn't a way to deny it. Just follow what your heart desires, and what do you the best.
Then I treated myself a good Japanese buffet at night.When I was eating,I suddenly thought of Lian, my partner for Jap food. I remember she used to apply Unagi sauce on every single sushi,soft-crab shell she puts into her mouth.But recently the more health-conscious Lian told me that Unagi sauce is deleterious,and she advised me to reduce my dependence on it. Yes, I'll heed your advice and try to avoid Unagi sauce,ajinamoto and stuff like these on my food.I kinda had the 'post-buffet-syndrome' on the next day with losing appetite and was a little phobic to fried food. I realised I can be influenced by seeing people eating a lot of foods. Maybe I have a worm in their stomach that I can slightly feel their satisfaction. I'm such a weirdo though.
I spent the following day for:
The Dark Knight on IMAX

I was in luck that day. Why??
Listen here....
I won the jackpot in casino. Prior to leaving the casino, I decided to spend my last 3 dollars on the jackpot machine by playing it a credit by a credit. When there were about 5 credits left, I saw 3 diamonds in a row and suddenly the lights were on. I was totally blur when the lights lit up , (O.S : What the heck was wrong with it?).Then I pressed on the button that lit up and I got a diamond.But but instead winning a big fat one, I got a 'small skinny' amount of 6 dollars, which was enough for me to get a popcorn combo for my movie. Hahaha, stick with me when you want to go into the casino next time, my plain free luck may contribute to your great winning.
To wrap it up, my break was all about fun and walking.I've spent 'a little bit' of time on a badminton match, more time for piano and the most for outings. Yay, that was the time I could spoil myself for sightseeing and relaxation,so obviously no revision for me. Tee hee hee, I'm not that hardworking actually.

Besides that, I did spend a portion of my break time for cards and presents, since lots of birthdays are coming. I sent out a total of 5 cards and a letter in February , so just wait and see who gets it.I'm gonna miss out so many birthdays this year, please reserve a seat for me when you take pictures okay, although I'm still 'diving' now, but I will fill in the gap later. This is especially to mK and buddies.
Alright, time's up for assignments. Enjoy life people !
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