March 18, 2008

Sarawak Trip 2008

Sarawak, here I come!

Let pictures speak it all, our craziness as a result of the reunion.
"It feels so good to go somewhere new, with someone familiar in it.

Once again, we had pillow talk till late night,
Once again, we had our mobile KTV,
Once again, we had our used-to-be-usual movie outing,
Once again, we had our lunch and dinner together,

But this time, we made ourselves new memories,
Walking in the beach together,
Having midnight KTV, midnight movie,
The 19 hours of starvation, and pizza meal for 4 right after that,
Cooking in the midnight?? Of course only with Susie Sia!

Those things that seem to be so common, but only I feel the fun of it, how appreciative and grateful am I, because life never repeats, and good things don't come often. How things changed gradually with our so-near-yet-so-far future,
how they used to be part of my daily lives, until seeing them once in a few months.

Then only did I realise, that I've done so much, gone so far in 2007, despite it only lasted for that 10 months,I've gained much more than I thought.

The only thing that makes me feel "guilty" is how massive the amount of rain I brought daily, because of the rain god effect? (because I'm 张珮"雯"!)Perhaps my luck can be real bad when God want them to be.

My Sarawak trip is yet to be ended, as my next destination will be Gua Niah in Miri,which I will leave my footprints on it next week.I'm now in Brunei, babysitting my niece, and it makes me feel like I'm obliged like a boyfriend, offering her the best that I could. She's my little girlfriend, the sea of emotions is so contradicting because as much as I'm anticipating on her growth, I know that I'll surely miss one of those days when I used to spend 3/4 of my time with her daily.
Hopefully she'll remember this "boyfriend" someday, ahem ahem!

Always love you guys!Thank you for making me feel this way.
I hope there's always a next trip for us.=)

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