Susan was the first one to leave. We had Bak Kut Teh breakfast at Chew Lian’s territory-Klang a day before she left. It was a great day, my first time and also last time sitting beside you in the train, I regret not knowing you earlier, but I’m glad that we had a comfortable chat before you left. Really hope that you will be tough to confront with your inner fear, and live a good life at Marudi. I know that you will, but maybe just another longer time to overcome it. Be strong,my friend, because “no pain, no gain”.Susan, hopefully you will achieve your goals in life =), and stay fine my friend!
Hugs Hugs Susan.
Lester@ Tigger was the second to leave then. We had our last Pyramid trip for this year on the day he left. Tigger, I didn’t want to tear in front of you, just want to wave and smile in front of you for the last time , foreseeing the next time we will meet.
I’m really glad that I’ve known such a good friend like you, that will stay crazy with me, that will chase away my fear while I was so fear of the new surrounding at the beginning of the year. From the comment you wrote to me, I knew, that not much you’ve understand me, but I understand, there isn’t anything much to write about myself, because it is just that I didn’t express everything to you, just didn’t want my this tigger friend to worry too much about me. Tigger -such a playful guy should stay happy and have fun with friends. Sorry, I might not be a very good friend to you, but you certainly are a good friend in my eyes.I'm not as joyful as you thought me as.=)Thank you for the good and crazy moments, haha, I’ll never forget the day when we were riding roller-coaster together and laughed all the way till the end.
Happiness is what I gained from you all. Not only am I glad but I feel grateful to have known a friend like you. Because everyone of you is so special to me, really really sparkling my life.
Thank you my friend, you might not read this but just want to wish you all the best in life!
With everything in your hands, maybe K as well ,tigger. =)Minnie mouse will always pray for you that you're happy everly after.
Hugs Hugs Tigger.
Susie @ SSSS was the last to leave.I did everything that I could with Susie, my sarawakian friend before she left KL, a few nights of sleeping over at my place, shopping together, playing uno cards and basically everything that we will usually do and have not tried doing before. Susie is the one that understands me the best in the course, a true friend I’ve found here, someone that will provide me a feeling of security while I am talking to her. Susie, you’re really an awesome friend, a true listener. I miss ss-ing with you, miss singing in front of you and all the crazy things I did that only you will tolerate it, but no others in the gang. Perhaps among the gang, that only you’ve seen my depression like my other close friends, not just the craziness of mine like what others would think of.
For this time, that I really think ‘ God, please take away all my confidence, because I just want to be alone this time”. I’m not as brave as what you said, but I do gain a lot of strength and motivation from you, and also from my primary and secondary buddies.
But this time, I really feel the fear, fear of falling, fear of the feeling that it brings when all these happen. I do not want myself to live in fear always, building up the protective wall against all odd again. I will do my best ,to learn to forgive and forget, like what all of you would advise me of. Because, for this time, I’m just losing to myself, and so put the blame on me, it's my mistake.
Take care Susie. I would never forget our promise in 2008.
Hugs Hugs Susie!
At that time , hopefully you’ll see a courageous, bravo and independent Pui Mun. I can do it!
Lastly, I would never forget Optimus Prime who has gone back to Singapore.=) Creatively evil Optimus Prime, you owe me chicken rice balls and a heavy lunch.
Hopefully you will obtain your license soon, and drive safe okay lim peh XD!!
See you guys again, in 2008!! I know,that we will meet each other soon!=)
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