This is a gift from my primary buddy,Chuan Ling which I received when I was 12(primary 6).Nothing special for its photo frame,but the photo which is framed in it that is significant.Primary 6 was the year we got to know each other ,sacarstically it was alo the year we had to be seperated to different schools.=)I'm happy that you left such a memorable gift for me before the end of 2001, the end of our sweet primary hours.
A reward for my effort.Enough said,I thank myself for making myself to believe that I'm capable of doing desired things when I work hard on it.This works the same on everyone of you!!
I received a D.I.Y photo frame from my secondary buddy,Eileen to be precise. Munx2 or Lao Po was what she would call me in school, I'm glad to have such nice nicknames although "Lao Po" might sound wrong for our relationship,hahaha!Perhaps this is why I like this birthday present so much, because I see the effort in you ,to maintain our ordinary yet sparkling friendship.
I got this on high school graduation night 2006 from Winney.She gave a copy to Eileen,Valerie and I. A rememberance of our craziness, together-ness,passionate in which we have gone through a lot of things together. =) All of you definitely made my secondary days a whole lot better, it might just be because of a lame joke you told me, a silly thing you did or even a problem you wanted to share with me, which saved me from my glommy days in school XD. Thank you
I would never forget the day they gave me this , the day I left PBSM and secretary position.This is a gift as a token of appreciation toward my contribution to the society, maybe not much but the same old Pui Mun's principle- always try to make things better ,maybe just by a little"! I really did understand that holding PBSM is difficult in a girl-school, hehe,with male dominated positions all replaced by females here(winney screamed: squad,keluar baris XD), and every decision,planning had to be well organized regardless the time and effort that had to be duplicated with fewer amount of members in our school. Thank you for making things happening, atleast happening to us.=) Cheers to all these Sweet juniors!
=) Many of you knew that I went for youth exchange last year, and brought back a lot of exciting memories as well as gifts. Trust me,they would never allow you home with empty luggage,but will stuff you will all sorts of gifts.
I gained a very special experience on my Japan trip- photoshoot at studio in kimono.
They brought me to the studio to dress up,everything was nicely done from outfit to hair, just for my farewell party. My host family brought me to take photos at studio in the morning,then to a few houses of their relatives to introduce me to them before I pack my bags home to Malaysia.=)I was treated like a doll,but their friendliness was always impressive,which made me wanting to serve them good as well,ensuring that it was not an 'one-sided' hospitality.The sisters in the family also gave me a winnie the pooh frame because they knew that I fancy Pooh a lot!!
Not only do I had good times with my host family at Japan,but I've met very nice Malaysian friends which were in my group,the few dependence of mine while I was in Japan. I do keep in touch with a few of them,those who come from different states,but somehow having something in common within us.I'm J234 Chong Pui Mun, youth exchangee who went to Japan in 2006, remember!!
=) Ms Julie-my first piano teacher was the one who brought me to an inner world of piano.Sadly I was unable to be under her guidance until the completion of my full 8 grades,because of the incidence that happened on her. I will always remember her-the Ms Julie that would have cute stamps chopped on theory book for my great work, giving me candies while I was bored doing her work, not to forget the christmas piano score she gave me,the last gift I could ever get from her. I still believe one day that I could perform to you my piano skills,to make you proud teacher!Thank you so much teacher!!
My sister,San Jie gave me this on my 17th birthday.=) She's observant,doing unexpected things to people around her sometimes.I knew she took time in looking for this cornetto's ice-cream since it is a limited edition.=) I decided not to show my care to you by words,but by every thing I'll do to you since then.
Remember this MK XD? Amor is love in Latin,Romanian,Spanish,Catalan and Portuguese.
It represents our ever blooming and love for our friendship. Amor amor amor amor amor!! I bet you would understand every bit of it without having me to speak much about it. Amor Mk!! =D
This is definitely one unexpected gift from you which came to me one day when the postman rang my doorbell.Not because of the signature on the album,neither does the tiny tube which has got my name on it.=)But the heart matters!! Thankful beyond description, I really appreciate for what you have done.And you'll get one in return!!Thank you ge ge, but no more wasting so much money next time ok??
I barely believe this when I got this from my college buddy-Lester.I was a little shocked when one ordinary day Susie stuffed this to me, eemmm, hand painted sand art..for me at the age 18? XD But once I read the sentences behind it, I feel happy.Happy that I've such a nice,playful friend who will not forget to write for his friends to show his care for them. XD Next time I'll buy a toy for you,ok? Thank you tigger my friend!!
Thinking that I've no gift to you all despite receiving so many gifts from you all?
Nah Nah Nah..Let me show you something
All of you are always surrounding me everyday,can even spot the faces of you all in my room.=D Because
""The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."
- Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh-
Pray for you all to live a good life always,and will always do.
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